Between the Wars

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    Tin Pin Alley

    Tin Pin Ally was the name of the collection New York City music publishers and songwriters. This usually showed the influence of the African American musical styles. Some famous tin pin alley musicians was George Gershwin, Irving Berlin, and Al Jolson.
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    Frances Willard

    Frances Willard was an American educator, reformer, and the founder of the Women's Christian temperance Union. She also was the leader of the national Prohibition party due to her being a successful lobbyist, an expert in pressure politics, and excellent speaker.
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    Clarence Darrow

    Clarence Darrow volunteered to defend the John Scopes right to teach evolution in 1925. In the 1920's Clarence Darrow was on top as the most famous trail attorney in America. Darrow also participated in the sensational trail, which saved the child killers Nathan Leopold and Richard Loeb; this case resulted in his greatest notoriety he ever has.
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    William Jennings Bryan

    William Jennings Bryan was an ardent Presbyterian Fundamentalist. Bryan joined the the "Monkey Trail" which was the prosecution of John Scopes in 1925. However Clarance Darrow, a criminal lawyer, made Bryan look foolish during this trail.
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    Henry Ford

    Henry Ford, an American Industrialist, was the founder of Ford motor company. Ford also developed the assembly line by using techniques for mass production. These techniques was highly influential in the industrial world.
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    Franklin D. Roosevelt

    Franklin D. Roosevelt was known as the "savior" to the United States. During the time of the Great Depression Roosevelt contributed with many ideas to help the economy. FDR came up with the "New Deal" which was a number of programs that were establishes to create more jobs and keep the United States economy stable.
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    Eleanor Roosevelt

    Eleanor Roosevelt was a politician and the first lady of the United States, while her husband, Franklin D Roosevelt, was in presidency. In fact she was known as the longest serving first lady that was in the white house.
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    Marcus Garvey

    Garvey was a leader in the black nationalist movement. He founded many things such as the Negro World newspaper and the Negro Improvement Association. In the 1920s the Universal Negro Improvement Association was considered the largest organization in African American history.
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    Dorothea Lange

    Dorothea Lange was considered a Muckraker due to her photos she took of employed men, which got recognition almost immediately. In addition, with the photos she had taken followed with a caption of the unemployed men.
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    Langston Hughes

    Langston Hughes was a novelist, a playwright, and an American poet. He was considered on of the most important writer and thinker of the Harlem Renaissance (African American artistic movement in 1920s).
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    Charles A. Lindbergh

    Lindbergh was an American pilot; the fight man to fly alone across the Atlantic Ocean. In face this achievement made Charles one of America's early celebrity heroes. A few things Lindbergh received was a New York ticker tape parade, and paparazzi from the newspapers.
  • Federal Reserve System

    Federal Reserve System
    The Federal Reserve System is considered the central banking system of the United States. The US banks experienced a crash when the Great Depression strike due to the federal reserve coordinated all regulatory activities.
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    The Great Migration

    The Great Migration was the relocation of African Americans from the South towards the North. Many African Americans decided to be apart of the great migration due to their poor housing with low economic opportunities and the South's harsh segregation laws. As a result African Americans took advantage of their "new life" by building a public life for themselves.
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    1st Red Scare

    This American fear was a fear of anarchists, socialists, etc. By 1919 a series of anarchist bombings; after War World 1 this fear became real.
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    Prohibition was the banning of the making, transportation, selling, or consuming of alcohol. People mainly women pushed for an amendment to ban anything involving alcohol; the 18th amendment.
  • Jazz music

    Jazz music
    The 1920's was considered the "Jazz age"; a cultural movement that took place in America. Jazz brought new rhythms and styles of music and dance to America. Also brought African American culture to the white middle class
  • Social Darwinism

    Social Darwinism
    Theory of individuals/ groups who are subject to the same lawed natural selection as plants and animals. Herbert Spencer advocated social Darwinism. This was used to justify imperialism, political conservatism, and racism.
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    Harlem Renaissance

    The Harlem Renaissance was the social, cultural, and artistic "explosion" that took place in Harlem (middle of New York). This resulted in the African American cultural to influence the US middle class.
  • Tea Pot Dome Scandal

    Tea Pot Dome Scandal
    The Tea Pot Dome Scandal was also known as the Oil Reserves Scandal or Elk Hills Scandal. In 1920 America was surrounded by the secret leasing of federal oil reserves by the secretary. This scandal was the most serious scandal in the US history.
  • Scope Monkey Trial

    Scope Monkey Trial
    John Scopes was accused by violating the Tennessee's Bulter Act (the prohibition of teaching human evolution in any schooling). This law was passed in March; a misdemeanor punishment is giving to anyone who teaches the idea of evolution.
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    The Great Depression

    The Great Depression was an era in the United States where the banks and stock markets crashed with millions of Americans were unemployed resulting in Americans being homeless. At this time banks used money that they inherited from Americans to trade with other banks until banks closed down.
  • Stock Market Crash

    Stock Market Crash
    The Stock Market Crash ( also known as Black Tuesday) of 1929 was a sudden decline of stock prices across a cross-selection of a stock market. Billions of dollars were lose resulting in wiping out thousand of investors. The after effect of "black Tuesday" spiraled into the Great Depression.
  • Securities & Exchange Commission

    Securities & Exchange Commission
    The Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) protected the rights of entrepreneurs and investors by keeping the marking industry fair and rid of monopolies. This commission also enforces the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
  • 20th Amendment

    20th Amendment
    The 20th amendment of the United States Constitution was established to put dates for the federal government elected offices end. It can also replace the presidency in case of an tragedy.
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    Relief, Recovery, Reform

    Relief, Recovery, and Reform were known as the "three R's". President FDR (Franklin D. Roosevelt) introduced the "three R's" during the Great Depression. They were used to end the unemployment crisis that the United States was facing.
  • The New Deal

    The New Deal
    When Franklin Roosevelt was in office he responded to the Great Depression with an idea of the "new deal". This idea was to try and stabilize the economy, provide jobs, and being relief for those who were suffering. Over the years that the new deal existed those organizations brought many projects and project to boost the nation's economy.
  • Tennessee Valley Authority

    Tennessee Valley Authority
    The Tennessee Vally Authority started with Muscle Shoals, a Tennessee river where the river drops 140; this drop elevation created rapid, shoals. The federal government had the intentions of building a dam generate electricity needed to produce explosives for WW1.
  • Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

    Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
    The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) was created as a protection program in case a bank was to experience a crisis. During the Great Depression era banks lost their all the money and this agency was determined to prevent that.
  • 21st Amendment

    21st Amendment
    The 21st amendment was the prohibition of alcohol but was repealed. Any manufacturing, selling, consumption, or transportation of any type of alcohol now becomes illegal in the United States due to the prohibition . This law led many individuals, mostly men, to disrespect the laws.
  • The Dust Bowl

    The Dust Bowl
    The Dust Bowl was the largest man made disaster in American history due to the poor farming techniques that were used and droughts. This storm was a dust storm that occurred in Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas.
  • Social Security Administration

    Social Security Administration
    The Social Security Administration was considered to be a benefit program that supported mainly veterans by provided retirement or disability. If an individual wants to qualify most must pay social security taxes for their annual earnings.