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Benito Juarez

  • Benito's birth

    Benito's birth
    Benito Juarez was born. In San Pablo Guelatao, Mexico. His family was very poor back then.
  • Benito's parents/guardians

    Benito's parents/guardians
    Benito Juarez’s parents died. They both died when Benito was 3 years old. After they died, he lived with his grandparents, then his uncle.
  • Juarez's education

    Juarez's education
    Benito Juarez graduated from Santa Cruz seminary. Which it where he had learned Spanish and law. Before he graduated, he was involved in local politics.
  • His marriage

    His marriage
    Benito Juarez got a wife. Her name was Margarita Maza, after she was married, her name was changed to Margarita Maza de Juarez. She was born in 1826.Later on, he had 12 children.
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    He became president of Mexico

    He was president of Mexico. He was also elected as governor.He was interested in arts and sciences, but then he started studying law and science.
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    Juarez-code name A.B.E

    The civil war was fought. Benito Juarez and Abraham Lincoln were sending friendly letters to each other. Ever since then, people have known him as the Abraham Lincoln of Mexico.
  • The U.S-Mexican war

    The U.S-Mexican war
    Mexicans fought in the U.S.-Mexican war. Benito Juarez was the leader of that war. The U.S. won the war.
  • Margaritas death

    Margaritas death
    When Margarita Maza de Juarez died. Her death was caused by cancer. She past away in Mexico city, Mexico.
  • Re-election

    Benito was re-elected as president. He became president for the third time. Sadly, it was a year before death.
  • Benito's death

    Benito's death
    When Benito Juarez died. He died from a heart attack while he was reading a newspaper at his desk in Mexico city, Mexico. He was only 66 when he past away.