Australia and the Modern World 1918-present

  • End of The Great War

  • Treaty of Versailles

  • Period: to

    Between War Period

  • Period: to

    Wall St Crash

  • Wall St Crash

    Wall St Crash
    The Wall St crash sent the worlds economy into a down-fall. This started one of the biggest depresions ever and took many years for the world to recover. Many people lost jobs and incomes, and had to live on the streets to survive.
  • Japan Invades Manchuria

    Japan Invades Manchuria
    This was the event that started the second world war for Japan. After gaining control of Manchuria, Japan leaves the League of Nations and continues to do its own thing.
  • Period: to

    World War 2

  • Pearl Harbour

    Pearl Harbour
    The aim of the attack on Pearl Harbour was to cripple the US navy. 1282 American were injured and twice as many killed. 8 battleships were damaged and 2 destroyed as well as 188 aircraft.
    There is a theory that this was the reason for bombing Nagasaki.
  • Nagasaki Bombing

    Nagasaki Bombing
    This signaled the end of WW2. Many millions died and many more became sick with radiation poisoning. The bombing of Nagasaki served as an example and deterent for many other countries thinking of entering into the Nuclear age.
  • VJ Day

  • Period: to

    Rights and Freedoms Movement

  • Period: to

    Environment Movement

  • Women's Rights Movement

    Women's Rights Movement
    The Women's Rights Movement of the sixties had great effects on the entire world. With women finally standing up ad fighhting for equal rights and better pay. However this fight is still going on, with women making up only about 3% of office executives.
  • Cuban Missle Crisis

    Cuban Missle Crisis
    This was the point of the cold war that was closest to becoming a full-on Nuclear War. With both Russia and the US having nukes. he US government called for a Military Quarantine of Cuba to stop nuclear warheads being delivered to launch site under construction.
  • Silent Spring

    Silent Spring
    Silent Spring is often credited with starting the environmental movement. This book raised issues of pesticide and pollution. This lead to the ban of pesticide in 1972 in the US.
  • 1967 Referendum

    1967 Referendum
    The Referendum of 1967 was a legislation changing the constitution to allow Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islanders equality. It allowed them to vote aswell as giving them better education and childcare services.
  • The Population Bomb

    The Population Bomb
    The population Bomb was a book detailing the results of not using population control. It said that the earth would run out of resources and we would all starve. This book discouraged large families and inspired government contraception.
  • Rises of The Technology Age

    Rises of The Technology Age
  • Present