Assignment 3: Reading History Timeline (Alexander Stafford)

  • Early Childhood (Age 0-5)

    Early Childhood (Age 0-5)
    When I was a young child, I was never really interested in reading that much. The only "reading" I did was look at the images in books or have my parents or teacher read stuff to me. Granted, this is when I was 4, which I think is too young to read. But I was never that much of a reader when I was young. I added this "Event" because it's my earliest memory, and my parents would only read to me but nothing else.
  • Elementary School (Age 6-11)

    Elementary School (Age 6-11)
    When I started elementary school, my parents sort of stopped reading books to me. However, many of my teachers read to me and started helping me read books, excerpts, or literature. The teachers would either read a book to the whole class, help certain students who had trouble reading something, or give us tips on how to read. I added this "Event" because I think reading started becoming something I found very useful and fun in school.
  • Personal Interest as a Kid (Part 1)

    Personal Interest as a Kid (Part 1)
    Since 10, I started getting actually interested in reading books. Well, it was sort of a mix of reading and drawing. For reading, a lot of my friends started reading this book series called "Diary of a Wimpy Kid." I tried reading it and got super into it. That was the only reading I did that I actually liked. I had to read stuff for school and learning, but I was interested in reading the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books.
  • Personal Interest as a Kid (Part 2)

    Personal Interest as a Kid (Part 2)
    I also started picking up drawing at this age, which I loved. I liked drawing a lot, so I started making my own comic books. There was a Diary of a Wimpy Kid book that encouraged you to make your comic in the book, and ever since, I started grabbing loose-leaf papers and drawing comics. I added this "event" because the Diary of a Wimpy Kid and drawing really played a significant role in my reading enjoyment/history.
  • Middle School (Age 12-14) (Part 1)

    Middle School (Age 12-14) (Part 1)
    In middle school, my enjoyment of reading started dying as my enjoyment of drawing started taking its place entirely. By this point, I had already read all of the books from the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series, and I never really searched for more books to read as I was only really interested in drawing. Instead of reading comics or manga, I just looked at the illustrations to get inspiration to make my own comics/manga.
  • Middle School (Age 12-14) (Part 2)

    Middle School (Age 12-14) (Part 2)
    My school did start pushing me to read stuff I didn't exactly want to read for show and tell. I also had to read questions or instructions for a certain task or assignment. I added this "Event" because I feel it's important to mention that I started losing interest in reading around this age and had to read stuff for school that I didn't really care about.
  • High School (Age 15-18) (Part 1)

    High School (Age 15-18) (Part 1)
    High school really pushed me to read a lot of stuff. I became pretty good at reading books and literature that the teacher had us read, like Invisible Man, Things Fall Apart, and The Crucible. I didn't really care about reading the books for enjoyment, though. I did it to complete assignments. But I did start reading stuff for my own enjoyment, but it wasn't books, comics, or manga.
  • High School (Age 15-18) (Part 2)

    High School (Age 15-18) (Part 2)
    I started reading a lot of internet "creepypastas," which are essentially scary stories or urban legends that are shared online, usually on websites or forums. People often write and share creepypastas to scare each other or to create suspenseful storytelling experiences. Creepypastas played a significant role in finding enjoyment in reading. I added this "event" because I wanted to mention how much I enjoy reading creepypastas. Definitely a big reason why I like reading.
  • Personal Interests as a Young Adult

    Personal Interests as a Young Adult
    I'd say around 19 or 20 is when I actually started getting into reading stuff besides creepypastas. I enjoyed books such as To Kill a Mockingbird, and a book series called Warriors. I also enjoyed reading a lot of comic books/manga, such as The Last of Us, Naruto, and Creepypasta. I can confidently say this at this age when I fully enjoy reading anything. I added this "Event" because this was the age at which I started actually enjoying reading stuff.
  • College (Age 19-22)

    College (Age 19-22)
    I read a lot in college, both the work assigned to me and the reading I personally like to do on my own. I also started writing my own stuff when I started college, and I find it very fun and almost relaxing to write down thoughts, ideas, and material for a couple of short-format films I may animate someday. I added this "Event" because I want to see how my feelings about reading have changed compared to the beginning of college and where I currently am in college.
  • Personal Interest Now

    Personal Interest Now
    I mainly read books, comic books, and manga now. My interest in creepypastas has pretty much died, and while I do want to write more, I want to animate even more. I try to make time to read, but I am pretty busy with college work and my job, but I'm still able to find time to enjoy some reading. I added this "Event" to mention what I personally like to read rather than what I have to read or write.
  • College (Now)

    College (Now)
    I still read a lot, both the work assigned to me and the reading I personally like to do on my own. In terms of my personal reading time, I read less than I used to, but I still read a few books my friends/family think are cool and a few psychology books as well. I animate more than I write now, and I sometimes read comic books or manga. I added this "Event" to see how much I read or enjoy reading now, near the end of my college degree.
  • What I wish I could've done more of

    What I wish I could've done more of
    I wish I had picked up more reading when I was way younger. I think I would have enjoyed reading, but I was too young to try to read, and looking at images was easier. I also wish I had looked for books/comic books/manga online. I could've saved a lot more money and a lot of hassle since storing books is kind of a pain. I added this "even" as a last mention of what I think I should have done in terms of reading. That's part of living though, you live and you learn.