
Artificial Intelligence

  • Period: to

    Artificial Intelligence

  • Alan Turing made a machine that could figure out any calculations

    Alan Turing made a machine that could figure out any calculations
  • Arthur Samuel develops a checkers playing program that can learn from its mistakes

    Arthur Samuel develops a checkers playing program that can learn from its mistakes
  • Turing suggests that machines might oneday process intelligence

    Turing suggests that machines might oneday process intelligence
  • W. Grey Walter creates a "tortoise" that moves under its own power until it runs low

    W. Grey Walter creates a "tortoise" that moves under its own power until it runs low
  • John McCarthy of Dartmouth College (US) coins the term artificial intelligence

    John McCarthy of Dartmouth College (US) coins the term artificial intelligence
  • LISP (LISt Processing) the most commonly used AI language is introduced my McCarthy

    LISP (LISt Processing) the most commonly used AI language is introduced my McCarthy
  • Dr Norbert Weiner suggest that computers that couple think like humans would be "both affective and dangerous"

    Dr Norbert Weiner suggest that computers that couple think like humans would be "both affective and dangerous"
  • Samule beaten by his checkers playing program; other develop into game playing theory

    Samule beaten by his checkers playing program; other develop into game playing theory
  • Dr Frank Rosenblatt demonstrates that perceptrons coupled to a simple neural network can be programmed by example to recognise visual patterns

    Dr Frank Rosenblatt demonstrates that perceptrons coupled to a simple neural network can be programmed by example to recognise visual patterns
  • Dr Weizenbaum of MIT designs ELIZA

    Dr Weizenbaum of MIT designs ELIZA
  • Fuzzy logic introduced by Zadeh to explain some of the situations where a Yes/No answer will no suffice

    Fuzzy logic introduced by Zadeh to explain some of the situations where a Yes/No answer will no suffice
  • Work begun on DENDRAL, first expert systam

    Work begun on DENDRAL, first expert systam
  • Minsky and Papert prove perceptrons could not be used as the basis for a general computer effectively ending research into neural networks for 15 years

    Minsky and Papert prove perceptrons could not be used as the basis for a general computer effectively ending research into neural networks for 15 years
  • Terry Winograd at MIT develops SHRUDLU,AN NL interface to an inaginary 'block world' that was the first to demonstrate that a machine could have any real gasp of language

    Terry Winograd at MIT develops SHRUDLU,AN NL interface to an inaginary 'block world' that was the first to demonstrate that a machine could have any real gasp of language
  • the AI language PROLOG (programmed logic) developed

    the AI language PROLOG (programmed logic) developed
  • MYCIN, an expert system diagnose bacterial infections is produced

    MYCIN, an expert system diagnose bacterial infections is produced
  • Hearsay, a speech understanding program is introduced

    Hearsay, a speech understanding program is introduced
  • work starts on Shear Magic, a sheep shearing robot (WA)

    work starts on Shear Magic, a sheep shearing robot (WA)
  • BKG 9.8, a backgammon playing program defeats the (human) world champion

    BKG 9.8, a backgammon playing program defeats the (human) world champion
  • developments in knowledge engineering and influence systems help repark interest in the potential for AI

    developments in knowledge engineering and influence systems help repark interest in the potential for AI
  • Japan announces the $M400 Fifth Generation Project to, over ten years, put a core computer in every home and small buisness

    Japan announces the $M400 Fifth Generation Project to, over ten years, put a core computer in every home and small buisness
  • Q&A, a natural language based PC database program is introduced

    Q&A, a natural language based PC database program is introduced
  • develpos with ANNs lead to significant advances into solving problems associated with problem solving

    develpos with ANNs lead to significant advances into solving problems associated with problem solving
  • US military use AI based technology in weapons systems such as missiles and jet fighters

    US military use AI based technology in weapons systems such as missiles and jet fighters
  • voice and character recognition used in home computers

    voice and character recognition used in home computers
  • ALICE, an open source NL AI chart robot, wins the Loebner Prize for the Turing test

    ALICE, an open source NL AI chart robot, wins the Loebner Prize for the Turing test
  • DARPA introduces the DARPA Grand Challenge requiring competitors to produce autonomous vehicles for prize money.

  • OWL Web Ontology Language W3C Recommendation

  • Recommendation technology based on tracking web activity or media usage brings AI to marketing. See TiVo Suggestions

  • Blue Brain is born, a project to simulate the brain at molecular detail

  • one of the world's oldest scientific journals, puts out a special issue on using AI to understand biological intelligence, titled Models of Natural Action Selection

  • Checkers is solved by a team of researchers at the University of Alberta