
artificial intelligence

  • Period: to

    artificial intelligence devellopments

  • alan turing writes on computable numbers in which he suggests a universal machine that can do any calculation

    alan turing writes on computable numbers in which he suggests a universal machine that can do any calculation
  • Arthur Samuels creates a checkers playing program that learns from its own mistakes

    Arthur Samuels creates a checkers playing program that learns from its own mistakes
  • Norbert Weiner writes the book cybernetics

    Norbert Weiner writes the book cybernetics
  • Turing suggests that machines might some day possess inteligence

    Turing suggests that machines might some day possess inteligence
  • W.grey.walters makes a machine that moves untill batteries are low then seeks a energy sourece or power outlet and recharges itself

    W.grey.walters makes a machine that moves untill batteries are low then seeks a energy sourece or power outlet and recharges itself
  • John McCarthy coins the term artificial intelligence

    John McCarthy coins the term artificial intelligence
  • LISP the most commonly used AI lanuage is introduced by McCarthy

    LISP the most commonly used AI lanuage is introduced by McCarthy
  • Norbert thinks that computers that think like humans would be both effective but dangerous

    Norbert thinks that computers that think like humans would be both effective but dangerous
  • Samuel beaten by his checkers program

    Samuel beaten by his checkers program
  • Frank rosenbelt proves that perceptrons and a nerual network can be programmed

    Frank rosenbelt proves that perceptrons and a nerual network can be programmed
  • Dr weizenbaum of MIT develops ELIZA

    Dr weizenbaum of MIT develops ELIZA
  • Fuzzy logic introduced by Zadeh

    Fuzzy logic introduced by Zadeh
  • work began on DENDRAL

    work began on DENDRAL
  • Minsky and Papert prove perceptrons cannot be used as a basis for a general computer

    Minsky and Papert prove perceptrons cannot be used as a basis for a general computer
  • shakey, a radio linked, mobile robot with built in tv and rage finder is developed

    shakey, a radio linked, mobile robot with built in tv and rage finder is developed
  • Terry winograd from MIT develops SHRUDLU

    Terry winograd from MIT develops SHRUDLU
  • the AI lanuage PROLOG developed

    the AI lanuage PROLOG developed
  • MYCIN developed

    MYCIN developed
  • HEARSAY introduced

    HEARSAY introduced
  • work starts on shear magic

    work starts on shear magic
  • BGK 9.8 beats human backgammon world champ

    BGK 9.8 beats human backgammon world champ
  • developments in knowledge engineering and inference systems respark the interest in the potential of AI

    developments in knowledge engineering and inference systems respark the interest in the potential of AI
  • Japan announces the $M400 project

    Japan announces the $M400 project
  • Q and A introduced

    Q and A  introduced
  • developments with ANN's lead to significant advances in problem solving

    developments with ANN's lead to significant advances in problem solving
  • us millitary use ai based tech

    us millitary use ai based tech
  • voice and character recognition used in home computers

    voice and character recognition used in home computers
  • ALICE wins Loebner prize

    ALICE wins Loebner prize
  • OWL Web Ontology Language W3C Recommendation

  • Recommendation technology based on tracking web activity or media usage brings AI to marketing. See TiVo Suggestions

  • Blue Brain is born, a project to simulate the brain at molecular detail

  • one of the world's oldest scientific journals, puts out a special issue on using AI to understand biological intelligence, titled Models of Natural Action Selection

  • Checkers is solved by a team of researchers at the University of Alberta