Articles of confederation

Articles of Confederation

  • creation of the state of Franklin

    creation of the state of Franklin
    The state of Fraklin would have been specifically located in east Tennessee.The settlers wanted to create or form this new state of franklin because they knew themselves as different,and they faced different obstacles then the others.
  • Start of Shay's rebellion

    Start of Shay's rebellion
    Shay's was caused by the large amounts of debts farmers were experiencing.
  • Annapolis Convention

    Annapolis Convention
    This convention took place in Maryland and it was a national political convention.There was five states and 12 delegates in total.They needed to revise the Articles of Confederation.
  • End of Shay's rebellion

    End of Shay's rebellion
    Shay's rebellion ended because the farmers owed so much money and they weren't able to finish paying it all
  • Constitutional Covention

    Constitutional Covention
    Some delegates from some states wanted to make this convention to update the articles of confederation.This convention took place in Philadelphia
  • Ending of the state of Franklin

    Ending of the state of Franklin
    North Carolina stopped them by changing their mind about giving that piece of land away