APUSH US History Timeline Project

  • Radio

    the Radio was an invention made to bring Americans together by entertainment. In 1922, NB was created to reach more people with the national program
  • Treaty of Paris

    This treaty was the official ending of the Spanish-American war. This leads the U.S on control of Cuba, Puerto Rico in the Caribbeans, and the Philippines.
  • The 19th Amendment

    This amendment secured the right of woman to vote. This was a great impact for the feminist movement
  • the Great Dpression

    a severe economic recession in the 1930's that affected the U.S. This was mainly caused by the over production of businesses.
  • Reconstruction Finance Corporation

    Established in 1932. This government corporation provided financial support to states and local government. Lent money to banks, railroads, and other buisnesses
  • New Deal

    A series of programs signed by FDR. This would help and end the Great Depression
  • Neutrality Act

    U.S president Woodrow Wilson urged congress to officially declare neutrality. This kept the Unites States from entering in the World War.
  • The Trumin Doctrine

    Was issued by president Trumin to give hep to struggling nation from surrcoming to communism. This helped Greece and turkey.
  • China Falls to Communists

    Communist leader Mao Zedong over China. This is considered a failed of the containment plan
  • NSA-68 is issued to President Truman

    This was a Cold War policy that was kept secret until 1975. To help insure the containment plan the U.S decided to make their military stronger
  • The Korean War begins

    North Korea invaded South Korea by crossing the 38th parallel. President Truman sent troops to help South Korea but China also decided to send troops but to North Korea (No territory lost or won't from either side)
  • The Berlin Wall was constructed

    I'm 1963 the Berlin was constructed as a response of the U.S not taking their troops out from Berlin
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Was an act that stopped segregation. This would mean that public places where available for everyone
  • Salt l adopted

    Each nation agreed to reduce number of nuclear missle arsenals. U.S would exchange supplying of grain
  • Tax Reform act of 1986

    The U.S Congress passed the Tax reform act in October 22,1986.The tax reform act was to simplify the income tax code.
  • The Berlin Wall fell

    The Berlin wall fell October 1989 in Germany. Fell when Reagan famously encouraged Soviet leader Gorbachev to end the Soviet control of its satellite nations.
  • Soviet Union collapses

    Gorbachev resigned as the Soviet union leader in Decmber 25, 1991. The Soviet Union had then split into 15 strong republics
  • President Clinton signed NAFTA

    This removed all teraff on trade between the U.S,Canada, and Mexico. Opposed by the Republican and conservatives but still made the reforms
  • Oklahoma bombing

    This bombing killed 168 people. The convicts included Timothy McVeigh and to other complices
  • September11,2001 terrorist attacks

    A series of coordinated suicide attacks by al-Qaeda Upon the U.S. This is an important event because the hijacks initially crashed two of the airlines in the twin towers and a third into the Pentagon
  • Barack Obama Was Elected President

    President Obama Was elected the year of 2009. He was the 44th President of the United States