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APUSH: Unit 7: Theme: Armed conflict inside and outside America (America and the world)

By Ashhera
  • Spanish-American war

    Spanish-American war
    The Spanish-American war took place at Cuba, Puerto Rico, Philippines, and Guam in 1898. This war was between the United states and Spain. The war happened because a mysterious explosion sank the USS Maine in Havana Harbor. Which triggered the war between the United States and Spain. The Maine had come to Cuba to protect the American citizens. When Cuban revolutionaries were at war with Spain.
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire

    Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
    In New York City a tragedy hit when a factory caught on fire on March 25, 1911. This was the deadlist industrial disaster. Leaving 100 dead inside and around 50 people jumping out the building. This led to many safe precautions at a work area. Many factories reform as well.
  • United States enters WWI

    United States enters WWI
    April 06, 1917, the United States enters into the World War I. The U.S. joins their allies while they fight Germany. After the American liner Housatonic was sunk by German U-boat. The United States declared war with Germany.
  • St. Valentine's Day Massacre

    St. Valentine's Day Massacre
    At Chicago, in 1929 a mass murder was committed. St. Valentine's Day Massacre was a day that made history when a group of seven unarmed bootlegging gang was murdered. Al Capone hired killers to kill these seven.
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    The Great Depression was a really horrible economic boom for the Western industrialized world in 1929.
  • D-Day

    D-Day was a code name for Operation overload. It took place at Normandy in 1944. This day made history when 156,000 men were crossing the English Channel (water to land.) The result of the operation led American and British forces push east to Germany. Giving the Allies in Europe a victory
  • VE Day Victory in European

    VE Day Victory in European
    VE Day victory was the day that Germany's unconditional surrender in 1945. It marked the end of World War II in Europe. Which Europe's Allies were at peace and everyone celebrated.