apush end of the year project

  • Period: Jan 1, 1492 to

    end of the year project

  • May 30, 1492

    columbus' voyage to the new world

    columbus got the backing from the king and queen of spain
  • first perminent english settlement

    jamestown founded for wealth and power
  • first enduring european settlement in new england

    Plymouth settled by pilgrims
  • house of burgesses

    first assembly of elected representatives of English colonists in North America
  • mayflower compact

    majority rule
  • georgia

    the last of the original Thirteen Colonies
  • poor richard's almanac

    yearly almanac published by Benjamin Franklin
  • seven years war / combatants

    was the first global conflict
  • treaty of paris 1763

    ended the seven years war
  • samuel adams

    wrote the Massachusetts Circular Letter
  • boston massacre

    british soldiers killed five people in boston after they were harassed.
  • first continental congress

    called in response to the passage of the Coercive Acts
  • american revolutionary war start

    the war for american independance
  • lexington and concord

    the first battles of the revolutionary war.
  • second continental congress

    managed the colonial war effort
  • common sense

    convinced the people that independance was for the better and helped the it get ratified.
  • declaration of independance

    stated why independance was necassary
  • articles of confederation

    the first form of government for the united states - failure
  • battle of yorktown

    american victory over the british.
  • american revolutionary war end

    ended with the Treaty of Paris and the Treaties of Versailles
  • great compromise

    determined how many representatives each state will have.
  • shay's rebellion

    caused when farmers were arrested for not being able to pay the high taxes
  • the constitutional convention

    drafted the constitution
  • john marshall

    delegate to the Virginia convention
  • george washington

    first president of the united states.
  • bill of rights

    guarenteed specific rights for everyone.
  • john adams

    second president
  • revolution of 1800

    change from a Federalist leadership to Republican
  • transportation in the 1800's

    horses and buggies
  • impact of the seven years war

    Louisiana Purchase
  • marbury v madison

    formed judicial review
  • james madison

    became the fourth president
  • the war of 1812

    began when the british impressed american sailors into the royal navy
  • era of good feelings

    began with Monroe's presidency
  • monroe doctrine

    effectively removed europeans from the western hemisphere.
  • john c calhoun

    became the 7th vice president
  • the virginia dynasty

    4 of the first 5 presidents were from virginia. ended with monroe
  • andrew jackson

    became the 7th president
  • nullification doctrine

    States could declare null and void federal laws they deemed to be unconstitutional.
  • worcester v georgia

    recognized the sovereign (politically independent) status of tribes
  • manifest destiny

    the idea that america was destined to expand across the continent.
  • transportation in the 1800's

    trains came on the scene
  • dred scott v. sanford

    slaves were not protected under the constitution.
  • john brown's raid

    an attempt to start an armed slave revolt
  • the civil war

    war between noth and south over slavery
  • the election of lincoln

    effectively started the civil war
  • emancipation proclamation

    free'd all slaves in the rebel states
  • thirteenth amendment

    outlaws slavery
  • twelfth amendment

    changed how the president and vice president are elected
  • civil rights act

    all people born in the us are citizens
  • fourteenth amendment

    grants citizenship to everyone born in the US
  • fifteenth amendment

    gave black men the right to vote
  • pendleton civil service act

    government employees competitive exams
  • dawes severalty act

    gave individual indians ownership of land
  • frederick jackson turner

    wrote the Frontier thesis to explain the frontiers importance
  • plessy v. ferguson

    upheld the constitutionality of seperate but equal
  • roosevelt corollary to the monroe doctrine

    the United States will intervene in conflicts between European Nations and Latin American
  • the federal reserve system

    central banking system of the United States
  • woodrow wilson

    28th president. took us into WWI
  • technologies of WWi

    germany uses poisonous gas
  • causes of WWI

    german submarines threatened us comercial trading.
  • zimmerman telegram

    entered the US into WWI
  • 14 points

    called for a more free and peaceful world after the war.
  • eighteenth amendment

    established prohibition in the United States
  • league of nations

    designed to maintain world peace
  • first red scare

    about worker revolution and political radicalism
  • versailles treaty 1919

    ended the war between germany and the allied powers
  • harlem renaissance

    renaissance of art and culture mainly in the black comunity of harlem newyork
  • langston hughes

    was a poet, social activist, novelist, playwright, and columnist durring the harlem renaissance
  • the scopes monkey trial

    teacher accused of teaching about evolution.
  • black tuesday

    millions sold their stock
  • causes of the great depression

    stock market crashed
  • joseph stalin

    was exiled from the Soviet Union
  • franklin roosevelt

    32nd president. took the great depression head on.
  • tennessee valley authority

    used experts and electricity to combat human and economic problems
  • indian reorganization act

    secured certain rights to Native Americans
  • causes of WWII

    germany invaded poland and other counties
  • minorities and WWII

    japanese americans place in internment camps
  • containment policy

    prevent the spread of communism
  • korematsu v. us

    the us can deny rights to people to protect the country as a whole.
  • iron curtain

    symbolized the 2 ideologies in europe
  • joseph mccarthy

    McCarthyism - accused many of being communists
  • second red scare

    focused on national and foreign communists influencing society
  • berlin blockade

    soviets blocked berlin from supplies to try to control the city
  • the marshall plan

    the us gave money to help rebuild European economies
  • korean war

    the us aided the south vietnamese to halt the spread of soviet influence
  • viet cong

    communist enemy of the us in the vietnam war
  • julius and ethel rosenberg

    executed for conspiracy to commit espionage during a time of war
  • brown v. board of education

    ruled school segregation unconstitutional.
  • martin luther king, jr.

    fought for equality for blacks
  • rosa parks

    sparked the civil rights movement
  • sputnik

    first object to be launched into space
  • greensboro sit-in

    students sat in a shop all day to force desegregation
  • u-2 incident

    american spy plane shot down over the soviet union
  • berlin wall

    seperated east and west berlin
  • bay of pigs

    failed attempt to eliminate fidel castro
  • freedom riders

    rode forced segregation busses to force desegregation.
  • john f kennedy

    35th president durring the african civil rights movement
  • baker v. carr

    ruled that redistricting is justicable
  • cuban missile crisis

    climax of the cold war. soviet union had missles in cuba
  • march on washington

    300,000 rallied for civil rights. including mlk jr.
  • the feminine mystique

    sparked a wave of feminism
  • the warren commission

    comissioned to conduct an investigation of the assassination of jfk
  • gulf of tonkin resolution

    gave the President authorization for the use of conventional military force
  • title VII- civil rights act of 1964

    outlawed major forms of discrimination against African Americans and women
  • vietnam

    the US enered the vietnam war
  • great society

    elimination of poverty and racial injustice
  • de facto segregation

    discrimination that was not segregation by law
  • counterculture

    went against the ideologies of older generations
  • kent state

    police shot students while they protested
  • equal rights amemdment

  • roe v. wade

    women have the right to an abortion
  • salt 1

    froze the number of existing warheads
  • jimmy carter's malaise speech

    speech designed to return confidence to the people
  • affirmative action

    benefit an underrepresented group
  • reaganomics

    ronald reagan's economic polocies
  • glasnost

    called for openess of soviet union affairs
  • perestroika

    restructuring of the Soviet political and economic system
  • iran contra scandal

    america sold arms to iran
  • saddam hussein

    invaded Kuwait
  • the first gulf war

    war waged against iran for the invasion of kuwait
  • osama bin laden

    bombed the world trade center
  • bill clinton

    42 president known for sexual misconduct
  • election of 2000

    bush won with fewer popular votes
  • 9/11

    al-Qaeda terrorists attacked the us
  • axis of evil

    described gevernment that were accused of helping terrorism.
  • human genome project

    identifying the genes of the human genome
  • election of barack obama

    44th president. first black president
  • had a great summer with friends

    dislocate my sholder but still had a great time.