APUSH: Chapter 4

  • Second Continental Congress

    The SCC was more radical than the first. They organized troops around Boston into a Continental Army and appointed George Washington commander and chief.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

  • French Alliance

    American-French alliance caused England to declare war on France.
  • Declaration of Independence

    The first part of Jefferson’s Declaration described theory on which Americans based revolt and creation of a republican government. The second part consisted of an indictment of George III’s treatment of the colonies
  • Articles of Confederation

    Submitted for ratification in 1777 (approval of all the states was required). Under the Articles, each state retained sovereignty and the Central Government lacked the authority to impose taxes or to enforce the powers it possessed (no provision for a military)
  • Peace of Paris

    Ended the American Revolutionary war. Britain acknowledged American independence and established generous boundaries. Agreed to remove troops from American soil (maintained forts in the west)