• 100

    3750 BC Pyramids

    The Egyptians were an example great civilization. Eventually they fell, like all early civilizations.
  • 100

    8000 BC Invention of Wheel

    This later helped farmers perform agriculture. This is also how people traveled. This is how the Romans traveled and the Romans were a great Empire.
  • 100

    44 BC Julius Caesar dies

    Julius Caesar was the dictator of the Roman Empire. He was also Cleopatra's lover once.
  • 100

    0 BC Jesus's BDAY

    This was the difference between Judaism and Christianity. This is a religious event pretaining to Christians.
  • 100

    3000 BC Invention of Abacus

    This is how later Erathosnens was able to determine the circumference of the Earth. This was the early calcuator the anceint old stuff. This shows how smart the early mathematicians were. This is still used today, usually by older and younger people.
  • Jan 1, 621

    Islam begins in Mecca

    Islam is a very important religion today. It is a universalizaing religion and is also monotheistic.
  • Jan 1, 711

    Moors/Muslim reached Spain via Morroco

  • May 1, 1000

    Vikings come

  • Jan 1, 1066

    Battle of Hastings

  • Period: May 1, 1300 to May 1, 1399

    Black Plague

  • Jan 1, 1492

    "Columbus sailed ocean blue" and founded New World (America)

    This was when the Europeans discovered America. This was an example of diffusion.
  • Jan 1, 1492

    Moors defeated by Ferdinand and Isabella

    This shows how the spread of Islam was stopped by European and Christian forces. King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella were Spanish.
  • May 1, 1494

    Treaty of Tordesillas

  • May 1, 1517

    Martin Luther broke away creating Protestant

    This was the formation of the Protestant branch. The Lutheran branch derived its name from Martin Luther.
  • Spanish Armada defeated by England (new hegemonic power)

  • Jamestown, VA

    First British settlement in the USA
  • First slaves arrive in VA

    This was when slavery started. This would lead to the Civil War and Civil Rights Movement later in the future.
  • Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock, MA

    This was how the Puritans moved into the Americas. After this, more colonies would form and eventually there would be the 13 colonies.
  • American colonists declared independence from Great Britain

    This is how America became it's own country. Great Britain had to reliquish its colonialism.
  • French Revolution (Reign of Terror)

  • Louisiana purchase from Napoleon's France that effectively doubled the size of USA (Jefferson was president)

    Thomas Jefferson was the president at this time. France was poor because of the French Revolution. Lewis and Clark explored this area after with a lady with a baby on her back.
  • World reached first billion people

    This was an important mark. People studying demography could now predict when the world would reach 2 billion people.
  • Period: to

    War of 1812

  • Erie Canal opened

    Lake Erie is one of the Great Lakes. It spread ideas and innovations. More people were able to move westwards.
  • Period: to

    Cyrus McCormack invented mechanical reaper

  • Period: to

    Trains made transportation and communication easier

    it also made the cost of meat and produce go down as well as products from manufacturers
  • Period: to

    Samuel Morse invented telegraph

    this event helped the people's ability to communicate better with pther people. this can help lessen the comflicts that occur.
  • Period: to

    Trail of Tears

    caused many native americans to be killed through this
  • Period: to

    Irish Potato Famine

    this event caused the number of immigrants to rise in the us. this is also a push factor as to why so many people moved here.
  • Boundary between USA and Canada determined by treaty

    The boundary between the USA and Canada is a geometric boundary on the 49th degree parallel.
  • Gravity Model

    The Gravity Model was based on Isaac Newton's law of gravity. It describes how people are more attracted to places with more people.
  • John Snow and cholera

    First time a spatial map was used. He mapped the sewage system and where the cholera outbreaks occured.
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

    caused the beginning of technology being diffused into the world. helped alot with the manufacutring during that time
  • Period: to

    American Civil War

  • Period: to

    Lincoln 16th President of USA

  • Spanish-American War, 3 months, American won and acquired the phillipines, cuba, pueto Rico, and Guam

  • Period: to

    The Great War (WWI)

  • Period: to

    Armenian Genocide

  • Bolshevik Revolution led by lennin to overthrow Romanov Dynastly. Beginning of communism until 1991

  • Bolshevik Revolution led by Lennin to overthreow Romanov Dynasty

  • Period: to


  • Women in America gain suffrage

    Women can now vote and the gender empowerment was a lot more closer to being qual.
  • Women in America gain suffrage

  • Called black tuesday, Stock maket crashed started worldwide depression

    This was when most Americans lost their money. This was the beginning of the 10 year Great Depression.
  • Period: to

    World War II

  • Period: to

    Cold War

  • Founding of the People's Republic of China (communism Prevailed)

    This shows how communism diffused from the USSR to China.
  • start of korean war

  • End of Korean War

    Although the war claimed many lives, the border between North and South Korea stayed practically the same.
  • Brown Vs. Board of Education, Supreme Court ruling the shot down Plessy Vs. Fergison, integration

    This was a case about segregation of races in the United States. It was about a black girl not being able to go to school in an "all white" school. The judge was Thurgood Marshall, who was also black.
  • Vietnam war, Civil rights in US

  • Period: to

    Amish Measles Epidemic

  • Berlin wall fell

    The political tension between the communist and federalists was lifting, physically in Germany.
  • USSR splits as communism ends, Desert Storm

    Afters years of communism, Russia ended it. Russia was the main central area of communism.
  • US declared war on terrorism

    this was due to our sense of nationalism after the event that happened during september 11
  • US invaded Iraq

    could have caused a diffusion of our cultural traits into their culture.
  • Half of the world's population lives in an urban setting

    This shows how urbanization spreads. More people wanted to live in cities around this time. There are more jobs there.