AP Euro Dates

  • 1453

    Printing Press

    -helped spread ideas of religious reformation with pamphlets and cartoons so illiterate church followers could understand
    -became a large industry and provided labor opportunities for lower classes
    -rapid produced books became less expensive, spreading literature to the masses and sales contributed to the economy
  • 1453

    Fall Of Constantinople to Ottoman Turks

    -Ended the Byzantine empire and created Ottoman Empire
    -Eastern European leaders became fearful of the Ottoman Turks power
    -It kept Germany and Italy from being unified and becoming a strong force
  • 1493

    First Voyage of Columbus

    -Many other nations like the English, French, and Dutch began to sail West in order to gain access to the new resources and valuable goods
    -The Columbian Exchange was able to expand beyond Spain, and altered the lifestyles and cultures of the natives
    -It promoted the expansion and growth of the African slave trade.
  • 1499

    Most Important Event of The 15th Century

    The most important event of the 15th century was the invention of the printing press because it transformed literature in society forever. The printing press eventually evolved into more advanced publishing technology and allowed the spread of literacy and education for intellectuals everywhere. Books became a worldwide industry available in every country and traditionally used in schools. It is also used for every type of advertisement and communication.
  • 1517

    Luther's 95 Theses

    -Resulted in many people questioning the sale of indulgences and the reliability of the Christian religion and the catholic church
    -People made welfare systems for the poor, and public education
    -Led to other branches of protestant religion like Calvinism and Anabaptism
  • 1534

    Act of Supremacy (England)

    -It became an act of treason to support the authority of the Pope over the Church of England
    -Support for Catholicism was seen as a rejection of the authority of the monarch
    -Henry took control of the Catholic Church and gained control of their finances
  • 1555

    Peace of Augsburg

    -Allowed the state princes to choose either Lutheranism or Catholicism as the religion of their state and permitted the free emigration of residents who were not of that religion
    -Gave more religious freedom, but only to Catholicism and Lutheranism, other minority religions such as Calvinism and Anabaptism were not recognized in the treaty
    -Saved the empire from serious internal conflicts for more than 50 years, and Germany became a religiously divided country
  • Edict of Nantes

    -Made Catholicism the official religion of France, but guaranteed Huguenots the right to worship in select places in every district
    -Allowed people to have political privileges including holding public offices.
    -Solved religious problems after the War of the Three Henry’s and led the way to increased religious toleration
  • Most Important Event of The 16th Century

    The most important event of the 16th century was Luther's 95 Theses because it led to the formation of other branches of religion including calvinism. It also deeply questioned church authority and the traditional ways of catholicism like the sale of indulgences and other means to salvation. This sparked religious conflict as people's differing views of religion arose and multiple wars of religion emerged following the publication of Luther's 95 Theses.
  • Peace of Westphalia

    -Gave Switzerland independence of Austria and the Netherlands independence of Spain
    -The idea of a Roman Catholic Europe disintegrated as princes were allowed to determine the religion of their territory
    -Limited Austrian empire control over Germany
  • End of English Civil War/Beheading of Charles 1

    -Led to the destruction of the monarchy
    -Death of Charles I gave rise to the new governments who raised the power of the Parliament
    -Established that English rulers needed parliament consent in order to rule
  • Ottoman Siege of Vienna

    -Freed Europe from the Ottoman Turks and their invasions
    -Secured Christianity as the main religion in Europe
    -Turkish army had heavy losses, but it ended the Ottoman reign
  • English Glorious Revolution

    -Constructed the Bill of Rights that required parliament permission.
    -Transformed England from an absolute monarchy to a constitutional monarchy.
    -The power balance between the monarchy and the parliament changed towards a parliament with more power and authority in the English government
  • Most Important Event of The 17th Century

    The most important event of the 17th century was the Peace of Westphalia because it was the first step towards religious toleration in Europe. Sovereign states began to operate as equals and it was a significant attempt to resolve the conflict over religion.
  • Peace of Utrecht

    -gave Britain the right to supply the Spanish colonies with African slaves
    -confirmed Philip V as the Spanish Ruler and affirmed that the thrones of Spain and France were to remain separate.
    -Austria was given the Spanish Netherlands, Milan, and Naples.
  • Frederick The Great becomes king of Prussia (enlightenment)

    -Brought western influence in attempts to transform Prussia from traditional society to a more western one
    -French intellectuals came together and defined ideals such as liberty, equality, and justice for human rights
    -Invaded Austrian Silesia, and resulted in the Seven Years War and obtained more power for Prussia as well as other military victories
  • Seven Years War

    -The war was fought in Asia, North America, and Europe and the British won over India which led to their control of India.
    -Made Britain a strong colonial power in Europe
    -Involved Russia into European affairs
  • First Industrial Revolution

    -Made Britain the leading industrial power because they were the country to first take it up and had an advantage with transportation and had a supply of capital ready for investment in industrialization
    -Europe experienced a population boom with a drop in death rates and increase in food supply provided by efficient railway transportation
    -Produced mass emigration to urban cities because factories were located where they were easily accessible and people found employment there
  • French Revolution

    -spread of nationalism in France
    -creation of the national assembly which destroyed the old regime and voted to abolish privileges of nobles, clergy, towns, and provinces
    -caused an increased in the rights of citizens and the common people
  • Most Important Event of The 18th Century

    The most important event of the 18th century was the first industrial revolution. It marked the beginning of an age in advancing technology, global trade, and consumerism. Efficient transportation improved food supply, trade, and led to people exploring the world outside of their homes through tourism. Our everyday life reflects these inventions from the first industrial revolution only now it is more advanced.
  • Congress of Vienna

    -Agreement was reached on avoiding war and success in restoring “legitimate” or traditional governments to power and to preventing political revolution
    -A balance of power was created in an effort to keep countries from rising above one another, like the strengthening of Prussia and Austria to balance Russian gains
    -Conservatism was created to contain the radical liberal and nationalistic ideas of the French Revolution out of fear that the revolution would spread into their countries
  • Revolutions in France, Prussia, Austria, Hungary

    -The Second French Republic was established in France
    -Decided to free the Polish minorities in Prussia and give a chance for self-government
    -Under provisional governments created in the the revolutions, national workshops were made to provide jobs and housing to unskilled workers in the time of unemployment
  • Publication of the Communist Manifesto

    -promoted the idea of the ideal communist society
    -called the proletariat to action as it said they were the oppressed class and led to workers revolts
    -Inspired the overthrow of the Russian tsar and other European monarchs and revolution in France over the banning of socialist political meetings
  • Unification of Germany

    -Exposed tensions emerged because of religious, social, and cultural differences among people of the new nation
    -Expanded the power of Prussia
    -Prussian troops drove into Austrian-held Holstein and took control of the entire state of Schleswig-Holstein, and Austria declared war on Prussia
    -Socialism established with Bismark's reform movements and alliances
  • Berlin Conference about Imperialism

    -Led to increased rise of nationalism
    -Territorial agreement pushed Russia out and humiliated France
    -Established rules for colonization and led to the establishment of European colonies in Africa
  • Most Important Event of The 19th Century

    The most important event of the 19th century was the publication of the communist manifesto because it became a huge influencer of emerging political violence and war. Socialism had a on a huge role in European society as it inspired revolutions and movements to end the suppression of the proletariat and ultimately the elimination of a class society. It also had a heavy impact the regime of Adolf Hitler in World War II and Soviet Union ideals in the Cold War.
  • Start of World War One

    -Brought increased nationalism and energy as people entered the war with positivity, believing it would be short lived
    -Beginning of the first global conflict and the beginning of American involvement in European affairs
    -Increased use of propaganda to draft soldiers and the expansion of women's responsibilities as men left for the war
  • Russian Revolution

    -The March Revolution caused the Duma to establish a provisional government and Tsar Nicholas II died
    -The Bolsheviks had effectively turned Russia into a bureaucratically centralized state dominated by one ruler a
    -End of tsars and the beginning of Marxist Socialism
  • Treaty of Versailles

    -Aided the rise of Hitler because his promises to make Germany a united world power once again emerged as very attractive to German citizens as they faced embarrassment from having to pay reparations, losing territory, reducing their military power and being held responsible for the first World War
    -Brought the four major Western European and American powers together into the League of Nations, which included Italy, Great Britain, France, United States
  • Treaty of Versailles

    -France still left unsettled because of the destruction they faced after WW1 and feared that they would be a war victim again. Also believed that Germany's punishments were not enough.
  • Great Depression

    -high unemployment (Germany 40% of the labor force were out of work)
    -governments reacted by increasing their role in planning the economy in hopes to fix it
    -Marxist ideas became increasingly attractive to citizens as they became desperate for solutions and resorted to radical ideas presented by authoritarian movements like Stalin and Hitler
  • Hitler appointed Chancellor of Germany

    -Used his power to purge non-nazis and establish a police force composed of SA members
    -First step to completing his goal of world domination, spread of communism, and the Aryan race with only pure Germans and the elimination of the Jews
    -With his governmental power he was able to enforce the Gleichschaltung, the coordination of all institutions under Nazi control and allowed him to proceed with acts of terror and complete dictatorship over Germany's citizens
  • End of World War Two

    -soldiers returned home and women were removed from their jobs as munitions workers and other professions they were granted as a result of the labor demand
    -European economies left with severe problems after economic strains from the war, and the United States emerged as the only nation with a strong economy
    -allied powers common goal of eliminating Nazi Germany achieved, and the unsettled differences between the Soviet Union and United States rose to the surface emerging in the Cold War
  • Hungary Uprising against the USSR

    -Caused the Soviet leaders to decrease the destalinization campaign.
    -The crushing of the uprising by their supposed ally questioned the Warsaw Pact alliances
    -US support of this revolt led to even more tension between the USSR and America's anti-communist regime
  • "Prague Spring" and Paris Student Riots

    -Caused many to call for more radical reforms, including independence from communist Soviet Union
    -Showed the Soviets that they would need to commit to violence to maintain control
    -The student riots inspired protests in Europe against communism, and also led to other protests like the movement for African American Rights, Women’s Rights, and Immigration Rights
  • Fall of Berlin Wall

    -spurred protests in other USSR and eastern countries (Romania's labor union formation)
    -reunification of Germany as Germans migrated across the border, and united the economies of East and West German with the German mark as the official currency
    -Produced new political parties, and the Christian Democrats leading
    -Marked the end of communism for the Eastern region
  • Maastricht Treaty

    -officially created the European Union
    -created a common currency, common agricultural policy, and free exchange of people, goods, and services for all included nations
    -provided foreign aid to poorest nations and included less developed eastern European states despite fear of all participating nations being negatively affected
  • Most Important Event of The 20th Century

    The most important event of the 20th century was the Start of World War I. It was the beginning of a very violent and war torn century with advancements in war technology and munitions, including the atomic bomb that increased tensions even more. World War II and the Cold War also stemmed from the national rivalries exposed in World War I.
  • Most Important Event Overall

    The end of World War Two was the most important event overall because it marks a turn in society and nations have significantly evolved and learned since then. The devastating results of the war and the extreme numbers of the death of innocent lives awoke society and proved the irreversible effects of violent war. This led to antinuclear movements and increased participation of civilians in the decisions made for their country as they saw governmental actions actively involves them.