
Anthem Timeline

  • House of Infants

    House of Infants
    When children are born, they are sent to the House of Infants, where they stay until they are 5 years old with the other children that are born in the same year that they are. The halls were clean and white and there were a hundred identical beds. All of the children were alike. Most importantly they were to not fight with the other children. Equality was locked in the cellar most often for fighting.
  • Period: to

    Equality 7-2521's life

  • Home of Students

    Home of Students
    When a child turns 5 years old, they are sent to the Home of the Students, where there are 10 wards, for each of the ten years of learning. You would rise from bed whe the bell rang and be back in bed before the bell rang again. Equality was never happy when he was in the Home of the Students because learning came too easily for him, and that was not good. He also asked so many questions that the teacher forbade him to ask anymore.
  • Witnessed Unspeakable Word Punishment

    Witnessed Unspeakable Word Punishment
    quality often wonders what the Unspeakable Word from the Unmentionable Times is. When he was 10 years old, he witnessed a man put to death by fire. The transgressor was chained in the center of the town and his tongue was cut out. However, he was the calmest and happiest person there. Equality recalls being the person that locked eyes with the burning transgressor as if he was passing the Unspeakable Word onto him.
  • Job Evaluation

    Job Evaluation
    When one turns 15 years old, they stand before the Council of Vocations, where the Council decides on the job that they will have for the rest of their lives. Equality was very interested in science. He really wanted to move on to the House of the Scholars, but it was wrong to think about the job that you want. When it came for the time for Equality to stand before the Council, they gave him the job of a street sweeper as punishment for his behavior in the Home of the Students.
  • Finds Underground Tunnel

    Finds Underground Tunnel
    Equality was out street sweeping with his two partners: International 4-8818 and Union 5-3992 when Union 5-3992 had a convulsion and the other two left him to lie in the shade while they finished their work. International and Equality stumbled upon an old iron grill over a black hole. They go down into the hole and decide it's most likely from the Unmentionable Times. For two years, Equality goes down into the hole and learns things that he would never learn otherwise.
  • Met Liberty 5-3000

    Met Liberty 5-3000
    Equality was sweeping the street by the fields where some of the women work. He saw a girl named Liberty 5-3000 and thought she was like no other girl he'd ever seen before. Women and men are not supposed to acknowledge each other, but they have a conversation.
  • Discovered Electricity from the Unmentionable Times

    Discovered Electricity from the Unmentionable Times
  • Becomes "The Unconquered"

    Becomes "The Unconquered"
    Equality and Liberty finally get to speak to each other again after a long time. Equality reveales that he calls Liberty "The Golden One" and that is what he thinks when he thinks of her. Liberty tells him she thinks of him as something different as well. She calls him "The Unconquered". After they reveal this, Liberty gets Equality some water and Equality has no idea if he even drank the water because he was so in awe of The Golden One.
  • Started To Wonder About Himself

    Started To Wonder About Himself
    Equality plays around with his discovery of light and electricty again and decides that he is going to take his discovery to the World Council of Scholars when they come in one month. After he decides this, he is proud of his wire and metal invention. He starts to wonder what he looks like, even though men are not supposed to wonder such things. He wishes to be his own self and he wonders what he is truly like.
  • Gets Caught

    Gets Caught
    Equality forgot to watch the time. He was late to return to the City Theatre. He went to the Home of the Street Sweepers and the Council of the Home asked where he was. Equality would not tell them. He was taken to the Palace of Corrective Detention and lashed over and over. He would not tell until all he said was the light. After that he passed out and woke up in a cell.
  • Escaped from the Palace of Corrective Detention

    Escaped from the Palace of Corrective Detention
    On the night before the day that the World Council of Scholars were in town, Equality breaks out of his cell. There are no guards and the locks are very old, so he breaks out relatively easy. He took refuge in his underground tunnel. The next day he would stand before the World Council of Scholars with his great invention.
  • Meeting of World Council of Scholars

    Meeting of World Council of Scholars
    The meeting with the World Council of Scholars did not go as Equality had hoped. In the end, the council stated that any idea that is not approved of by all men is not even an idea at all. They were going to send Equality for the World Council so that they could determine his fate and also destroy his discovery. He immediately fled from the meeting and arrived at the Uncharted Forest.
  • Second Day in the Uncharted Forest

    Second Day in the Uncharted Forest
    On Equality's second day in the Uncharted Forest, he hears footsteps behind him. It turns out that these footsteps belonged to the Golden One. She had followed him after hearing that he had ran to the forest. She escaped the House of Peasants and has been searching for him.
  • Struggling For the Right Word

    Struggling For the Right Word
    The Golden One said "We love you" to Equality. She then shook her head, knowing that that is not what she had wanted to say. She then further explained "We are one...alone...and only...and we love you who are one...alone...and only." They both looked at each other and knew that they were searching for a word to use that they could never find.
  • The House of Unmentionable Times

    The House of Unmentionable Times
    Equality and the Golden One found a house that is very deep within the forest. They had been walking for days upon days and when they found the house they were slightly shocked. They had never seen a house such as this and Equality and the Golden One have now claimed the house as theirs.
  • "I Will It!"

    "I Will It!"
    Equality discovers the word "I". He calls this word a God. He also says that the word "We" should never be spoken again. He finds much joy and solitude in this new-found word.
  • New Names

    New Names
    Equality renames the Golden One as Gaea. He read of a goddess and decided that this name suited her. Equality also renamed himself as Prometheus. This is based off of a man who took the light of the gods and brought it to men, teaching them to be gods.
  • A Son To Be

    A Son To Be
    Gaea is pregnant and Prometheus has determined in his mind that it is going to be a boy. He wants him to be raised to say "I" and take pride in himself as a singular person.
  • The Sacred Word

    The Sacred Word
    Prometheus says the Sacred word. He states that this word shall be cut into stone and used as his beacon and his banner. He states that this word can never die on this earth, for it is the heart of it and the meaning and the glory. The sacred word: Ego.