Animal Rights Timeline

By bsims
  • Cruelty to Animals Act is Passed in Britain

    This act protects animals, cattle in particular, from being mistreated.
  • American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is Founded

    This society was founded in New York by Henry Bergh. The ASPCA is a non-profit dedicated to preventing animal cruelty.
  • Upton Sinclair's novel "The Jungle" is Published

    This book was one of the first to expose the excruciating cruelty of the conditions in the Chicago meatpacking industry.
  • The Farm Animal Reform Movement is Founded

    This movement promotes animal rights and even a vegan lifestyle through public education and grass roots outreach.
  • Animal Legal Defense Fund is Established

    This is an animal law advocacy organization. Their mission is to protect the lives and advance the interests of animals through the legal system.
  • PETA is founded

    People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is an American animal rights organization.
  • Avon launches campaign against Proctor and Gamble's animal testing

    Proctor and Gamble own many different brands of beauty, hygiene, and household products. Avon launched a campaign to stop their animal testing practices.
  • General Motors stops using live animals in their crash tests.

    Before this, animals were anesthetized and used in crash tests. 19,000 animals were killed.
  • Humane Society finds that Burlington is selling animal fur.

    During an investigation, the Humane Society discovers their products are made with cat and dog fur.
  • Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act is Passed

    This law prevents people from engaging in behaviors with the purpose of damaging or interfering with the operations of an animal enterprise.
  • Horse Slaughter Ends in US

    You can no longer slaughter horses for human consumption.
  • European Union bans testing.

    The EU banned testing of cosmetic ingredients on animals.
  • NIH stops funding on chimpanzee experiments.

    National Institutes of Health stops funding of new experiments on chimpanzees, ensuring the safety of chimps in captivity and the wild.
  • Blackfish impacts the public.

    The documentary "Blackfish" gets attention from the public, causing many to criticize SeaWorld and their treatment of animals.
  • India ends testing

    India banned cosmetic testing on animals, making them the first Asian country to do so.
  • California and New York ban harmful animal testing/treatment

    California is the first state to ban the sale and manufacture of new fur items, while New York banned in New York.