Andrey N. Tupolev

  • Higher education

    Higher education
    While studying at the school showed great interest in exact Sciences and technology. In 1908 he entered the Imperial Moscow technical school (MVTU later). In College she was fascinated by aerodynamics. Since 1909 — member of the Aeronautic club.Participated in the construction of the airframe, which in 1910 independently made its first flight.
  • Higher education

    Higher education
    In 1911 a successful study and active scientific activity was interrupted, when a part in student riots and for the distribution of illegal literature, he was arrested and administratively deported from Moscow home under surveillance of secret police. Just before the First world war he was able to return to Moscow at the School, which he graduated from in 1918.
  • Professional Travel activities

    Professional Travel activities
    In the years 1916-1918 the Tupolev took part in the work of the first Russian aviation calculations; designed the first wind tunnel in the school. Together with N. E. Zhukovsky was the organizer and one of the leaders of TSAGI, where eventually determined the vocation of the young engineer. In 1918-1936, he was a member of the Board and Deputy head of Institute for experimental all-metal aircraft design. He empirically proved that kolchougaluminium (originally named after ginskyy plant in the Vl
  • Professional Travel activities

    Professional Travel activities
    October 21, 1937 A. N. Tupolev was arrested on charges of sabotage, of belonging to a counterrevolutionary organization. Together with him were arrested many leading specialists of TSAGI and OKB, Director of most of the aircraft factories. May 28, 1940 ECCU USSR sentenced to 15 years in labor camps. He was accused of creating a subversive organization donated drawings of aircraft of foreign intelligence. The sentence was absolutely absurd.
  • Childhood

    Born on October 29 (November 10), 1888, in the village Postmuseo (now kimrsky district) of the Tver province in the family of a provincial notary. Russian.By descent on the mother from the nobility.
  • Monuments

    In 1973 the name was named Tupolev Kazan aviation Institute (since 1992 — Kazan state technical University named after A. N. Tupolev), June 4, 2014 in Kazan — in square on crossing of streets of Decembrists, Gagarin and Korolev was a monument to A. N. Tupolev.