Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO)

  • birth

    AMLO was born in tepetitlan, in the state of tabsco in 1953
  • birth

    AMLO was born in tepetitlan in the state of the tabasco in 1953
  • time to rule

    time to rule
    he was governor of tabasco and he was six years in the power
  • AMLO in the D.F

    AMLO in the D.F
    he traveled to he D.F in 1984, and assumed the direction of the institute national of the consumer, and sold their firts books

    in 1989 it was founded PRD and the was appointed president of the PRD. helped to farmers and wokers
  • for more power

    for more power
    after beging twice a candidate for governor of tabasco, AMLO was president national of the PRD
  • the happy 2000s

    the happy 2000s
    he was chose how boss ofgoverment of the capital mexican
  • I want something else

    I want something else
    in the 2005 AMLO was accused of breach a court order, an start a precess of ingignation against him
  • second try

    second try
    AMLO was the firt president of MORENA , his political party wanted to create a moral constutution
  • winner

    he won the president elections of the 2018 and was appointed president of mexico
  • everything is normal

    everything is normal
    now is do president of mexico and he's barely a years