
Ancient to Modern Day Space and Exploration

By Mr.W
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    heliocentric was to be believed that the Sun was in the center of the Solar System. Greeks belived this theory in the "Early days" of science and the Solar System. Copernicus and Galileo believed in this theory, #Helio4life
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  • Jan 1, 1473


    Copernicus was a Polish astronomer. He believed in the Heliocentric theory. Though he believed in Heliocentric, many others believed in Aristotle's theory of Geocentric. He also believed that all plantes have a perfectly circular orbit.
  • Jan 1, 1564


    Galileo was a scientist with great contrubutions. His greatest contribution was improving the telescope. He also was able to use his telescpes to identify the moons of Jupiter. He also observed that the plant Venus went through the same phases as our own Moon. He was also a supporter of the Heliocentric theory.
  • Outer Planets

    Outer Planets
    Only 3 of the outer planets have a discovery time and person. Uranus was discovered by Sir William Herschel in 1781. Neptune was discovered by John Couch Adams in 1846. And Pluto was discovered by Clyde Tombaugh in 1930.
  • Rockets

    The first rocket to enter space was the V2 Missile. This was luanched in Germany. The V2 Missile was the first rocket that could fly high enough to reach space.
  • First Artificial Satellite

    First Artificial Satellite
    The first artificial was Sputnik 1. It was launched it to Earth's orbit on the Soviet R-7 rocket. The Sputnik 1 was able to tell scientist how dense the upper layers of the atmosphere based on it's drag. Sputnik 1 was also the first orbital mission.
  • Missions to the Moon

    Missions to the Moon
    There have been 6 manned mission to the Moon. Apollo 11,July 20 1969, 12, 19 November 1969, 14, 5 February 1971, 15, 30 July 1971, 16, 20 April 1972, and 17, 11 December 1972. The first people on the moon were Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldren.
  • Ptolemy

    Ptolemy (tall-em-ee), was an Egytpian astronemer. Since he was widely known, many believed him, about where the Earth and other planets were. But he was wrong, he believed in Geocentric. Since he was "famous" this theory of the Earth being in the center was known for a while. He also believed that the planets' orbits were perfectly cicular.
  • Mars Robotic Explorers

    Mars Robotic Explorers
    The first two American Mars robotic explores were launched on June 10 and July 7, 2003. They landed on January 4 and 25, 2004. They were launched to learn about Mars' water history.
  • Aristotle

    Aristotle was a Greek astromemer. He bleived in the Geocentric theory. Many also believed his ways since he was a famous Greek Philosopher. He thoght that if the Earth went revolved around the Sun, the stars positions would change as Earth moves, called a parallax