Ancient Astronomers

  • 255 BCE

    Eratosthemes (Born 276 BC, Died 194 BC)

    Discovered that Earth has a tilt.
    Important because this would help scientists with orbit, and to create real replicas and models of the Earth.
    Discovered in 255 BC
  • 85 BCE

    Claudius Ptolemy (Born 100 CE, Died 170)

    Discovered that the Earth is at the Center of the universe.
    Important because this would create other ideas following, and making scientists ask what other planets are there outside of Earth, and if there was any other universes like ours.
    Discovered: 85-165 CE
  • 1543

    Nicolaus Copernicus( Born 1473, Died 1543)

    Discovered the Sun's orbit
    Important because this would prompt scientists to research the sun and it's core, along with it's heat.
    Discovered 1543
  • Tycho Brahe(Born 1546, Died 1601)

    Discovered a New star.
    Important, because the discovery would help find out more about stars and how they work, and their age.
    Discovered: 1590
  • Johannes Kelper( Born 1571, Died 1630)

    Discovered, that Mars's orbit is an eclipse.
    Prompts more information outside just the sun and earth.
    Discovered 1609
  • Isaac Newton (Born 1643, Died 1727)

    Discovered Gravity
    Helps discover more about our atmosphere and if other planets have gravity, and makes the scientists ask how our planets are being held up in space.
    Discovered: 1665
  • Albert Einstein( Born 1879, Died 1955)

    Discovered Photo Electricity
    This could help take pictures in planets, so that we could learn what they look like and how big they are.
    Discovered: 1905