Ancient Astronomers

  • 240 BCE


    He became famous for the discovery of the size of the Earth. This is important because it changed the view of everything. He had discovered this around 240 BC
  • 168

    Claudius Ptolemy

    He was the one who made the geocentric theory around the time . This is important because it showed how they made astronomical observations.
  • 1514

    Nicolaus Copernicus

    He discovered that the Earth was not the center of the universe. He shared his finding in 1514 and was very important because it changed the view of the universe. This also changed the way of how studies were done.
  • 1558

    Tycho Brache

    He was an individual whose work helped overturn that belief in favor of a heliocentric model of the universe, with the sun at the center. His discovery was made between (1546-1601). This discovery is very important because it helped measure and paved the way for future discoveries.
  • Johannes Kelper

    He discovered that the planets move in elliptical orbits around the sun at one focus. This discovery was found around the time of 1609-1619 and is important because it shows how the planets would orbit around the sun.
  • Sir Isaac Newton

    He formulated the law of gravitation and is important because it can calculate how much gravitational force something has. He found this discovery in 1666
  • Albert Einstein

    He is best known for his special and general theory of relativity and the concept of mass energy equivalence expressed by the equation, E = mc^2. He made this discovery occurred in 1905 and is important because it explains nuclear fusion.