Social classes in colonial america

American Revolution Timeline

  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The Stamp Act was a tax imposed by the British Parliment on the Colonies that forced a tax on stamps.These stamps were required to be put on many printed materials in the Colonies. The British imposed this tax in order to pay for troops that were stationed in North America following the French-Indian War.
  • Protest of Stamp Act

    Protest of Stamp Act
    The colonists protested the Stamp Act before the Bitish were able to heavily impose it. They were abdle to do this by using petitions, refusals to pay the tax, this led to property damage and harrasment of officials.
  • Gaspee Affair

    Gaspee Affair
    The Gaspee a significant event that led to the fighting of the American Revolution. A group of colonists boarded a ship that was stationed in Rhode Island and looted it for alll it had. When finished looting the ship they proceeded to torch it.
  • Committees of Correspondence Established

    Committees of Correspondence Established
    The comittee of correspondence was a comittee led by the leaders of the thirteen colonies. The comittee was responsible for establishing plans for the Colonies.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    After a new tax on Tea was imposed on The colonists, they became furious. many of the men boarded a ship that was full of tea and dumped it into the Boston Harbor.
  • Coercive Acts

    Coercive Acts
    The Coercive Acts took place throughout the Spring of 1774. They were laws intended to punish Massachusetts and end colonial challenge against British authority.
  • Quebec Act

    Quebec Act
    The Quebec act, passed by British Parliment, was a setting of procedures that woud determine how the provence of Quebec would be goverened.
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress
    The First Continental Congress met from the 5th of September through the 26th of October. The first Continental congress was a convention that had a delegate from 12 of the 13 colonies in resoince to the coercive acts.
  • Paul Revere's Ride

    Paul Revere's Ride
    The midnight ride of Paul Revere was a warning to the colonists that the "BRITISH ARE COMING".
  • Battles of Lexington and Concord

    Battles of Lexington and Concord
    The battles of Lexington and Concord were the first fighting that took place during th American Revolution. These military engagements took place in middlesex county of Massachusetts.
  • Second Continental Congress

    Second Continental Congress
    The Second Continental congress featured delegates from all thirteen colonies. They met in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania soon after the fighting had begun in the Revolution.
  • Writing of Declaration of Independence

    Writing of Declaration of Independence
    The writing of the Declaration of Independence was written from the 12th to the 27th of June. It was written by Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Robert R. Livingston.
  • George Washington Appointed General

    George Washington Appointed General
    On June 15 1775 Geroge Washington was appointed the first commander in Chief of this country.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    The Battle of Bunker hill was a battle fought on Breed's Hill that took place early on in the American Revolution. Although the battle did not take place on Bunkers hill, this hill was actually more involved in the fighting in the battle.
  • Olive Branch Petition

    Olive Branch Petition
    A petetion that was adopted by Congress that was an attempt to prevent a full blown war with Great Britain. The petition also affirmed that the colonists were loyal to there mother country.
  • Proclamation for Suppressing Rebellion and Sedition

    Proclamation for Suppressing Rebellion and Sedition
    The proclamation was a responce from King George III after recieving news of the Battle of Bunker hill.
  • British Evacuate Boston

    British Evacuate Boston
    On March 17 1776 the British fleeded from the city of Boston.
  • Common Sense Published

    Common Sense Published
    The book Common sense was published by Thomas Paine and challenged the authority of British Government and the Royal monarchy.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration of Independence was a formal document theat stated that the thirteen american colonies were now to be considered independent staes free from British authority.