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American Revolution

  • Lexington

    The King's troops, known as "redcoats" reached Lexington, Massachusetts, five miles short of Concord on April 19. The British commander ordered the minutemen to lay down their arms and leave and the colonist started to move out without putting down their muskets. Then someone fired and the British soldiers sent a volley of shots. The war only lasted 15 minutes.
  • Concord

    The British marched on to Concord, where they found an empty arsenal. After a brief skirmish with minutemen, the British lined up to march back to Boston, but it quickly became a slaughter. 3,000 to 4,000 minutemen had assembled and fired on the marching troops from behind trees and walls. Bloodied and humiliated, the remaining British made their way back to Boston. Colonists had become enemies of Britain and held Boston under siege.
  • Bunker Hill

    Bunker Hill
    The battle of Bunker Hill was an important battle even though it was fought over a year before the Revolutionary War.They gained confidence from this battle because their loss was caused by a lack of ammunition.
  • New York

    New York
    As part of a plan to stop the rebellion by isolating New England, the British quickly attempted to seize New York City.