american revelation timeline

  • the french and indian war

    the french and indian war
    the french and indian war is were british and the french wanted to control the ohio valley the indians teamed up with the french because the french did not want to move in there they only wanted to trape and the british wanted to settle there. the british won the war. the war ended with the treat of paris
  • quartering act

    quartering act
    this act was passed to require colonist to pay for house and feed british sodlers that were staying in thiar area
  • the townshend act

    the townshend act
    the townshend act called for new import taxes on glass lead paint paper and tea then removed taxes on everything but tea
  • boston massacre

    boston massacre
    the boston massacre is when boston troops fired on bostonians who were throwing snowballs at them the soldiers were charged with murder and the jury found them innocent and they were acting out of self defence
  • boston tea party

    boston tea party
    the boston tea party is where a group of colonist led by samuel adams and paul revere disguised themselves as native americans and dumped tea into the harbor.
  • the war of lexington

    the war of lexington
    over quickly 8 militsa died and 10 were wounded paul revere was arrested.
  • the battle of concord

    the battle of concord
    the british reacted they were being pick out one by one. the colonel did not fight traditionally they moved around in the trees and they hide their weapons
  • bunker hill

    bunker hill
    bunker hill is a war to control boston harbor between boston and the colonist. there was 2,400 british and 1,600 militia about 200 british were killed and 800 british were wounded and about half the militia were killed or wounded.
  • new york

    new york
    it happened in new your city the colonist general was george washington and he had 23,000 militia the british general was howe and he had 30,000 trained soldiers the british won
  • battle of trenton

    battle of trenton
    the general for the colonials is george washington they crossed the delaware river and surprised the british army of mercenaries.
  • battle of preston

    battle of preston
    the battle was a short battle and the colonials won.