After the American revaluation

  • Limit son Power

    After years of the British rule, They chose not to place too much power in one person. They made rules that limited the governors power. Pennsylvania replaced the office with a 12-person council that was all elected. Most of the states set up a two-house of bicameral.
  • New Republic

    The people agreed the new country should be a republic aka a government in which citizens rule through elected people. At first, most Americans wanted a weak government. They expected each state would be free to be independent on some issues. The states would rely on one central government only for war and to deal with other countries
  • New Republic

    The people agreed the new country should be a republic aka a government in which citizens rule though elected people. At first, most Americans wanted a weak government.
  • The States Write Constitutions

    The continental congress took this question of how they were going to govern themselves, May 1776 the congress asked the states to organize their system of government. Each state chose a state constitution or a plan of government. 8 of the states had chose a constitution by the end of that year. New York and Georgia followed in 1777. While Massachusetts followed in 1780 and Connecticut and Rhode Island used their colonial charters as their constitutions