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American History from 1877 to the present

  • Homestead Act

    Homestead Act
    It gave ownership of land at little to no cost. This mostly happened in the midwest/western areas.
  • Sherman Anti-Trust Act

    Sherman Anti-Trust Act
    The Sherman Anti-Trust Act was the first Federal act that outlawed monopolistic business practices. It prevented the big businesses from taking out competition easily.
  • Beggining of the Spanish American War

    Beggining of the Spanish American War
    This was a very big war that took place soon after WW1. It resulted in the U.S. becoming imperialist.
  • Annexation of Hawaii

    Annexation of Hawaii
    The U.S. feared an attack from the Pacific and a European nation gaining control of Hawaii so the U.S. went in for it.
  • End of Spanish American War

    End of Spanish American War
    The U.S. fought and won a long war, After winning they gained control of Cuba, the Philippine Islands, Puerto Rico, and Guam.
  • Henry Ford Introduces the Assembly Line

    Henry Ford Introduces the Assembly Line
    It was a faster way to make products. One of the biggest ideas to come out of the Industrial Revolution.

    After many years of fighting women finally got the vote. Showing social change was finally happening in the U.S.
  • Great Depression Begins

    Great Depression Begins
    Also known as "Black Tuesday" October 29,1929 was the day that the great depression started and the stock market crashed. America knew they would have a tough road ahead and they needed a leader to help them get through it.
  • FDR For President

    FDR For President
    Franklin Roosevelt was elected president for the first time. Without electing him America may not have gotten out of the deppression that they were in.
  • First New Deal Signed

    First New Deal Signed
    The first New Deal provided aid to those impacted by the depression. It was a great plan and worked effectively.
  • Childrens march

    Many children walked out of school to protest segregation and many got arrested but they didnt care because they finally got to participate and state what they believe in.
  • African Americans get the vote

    African americans finally got the vote in 1965. Finally it seemed that segregation was over
  • Mikahli Gorbavchev elected

    Gorbachev was the leader of the Soviet Union during the cold war time. He was strategic in forcing the U.S. into a scared state. And upon his election the Soviet put the U.S. into the Red Scare era.
  • Warsaw Pact dissolved

    Warsaw Pact dissolved
    It was a defense treaty among 8 communist nations. Used during the Cold War.
  • Fall of the soviet union

    Due to many different reasons the society union had finally collapsed. The U.S. would be able to return to a communist-fear free nation and the Cold War had finally ended.
  • 9/11

    9/11 is possibly one of the biggest moments in U.S. history. On that day terrorists attacked the twin towers in NY and the Pentagon.
  • Obama elected president

    This marked a big social change in the U.S. because an African American had been elected president.
  • Osama Bin Laden Killed

    The U.S. killed the leader of the terrorist group Al-Queda Osama Bin Laden. He was the man responsible for 9/11 so this was a big moment for U.S. citizens.