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American History (B)

  • The Charleston

    The Charleston
    The Dance Craze of the 1920's
  • Red Scare

    Red Scare
    Widespread labor unrest in 1919, combined with a wave of bombing, Communists in Russia, and the short-lived Communist revolt in Hungary fed a fear that the US was also on the verge of revolution
  • Ku Klux Klan

    Ku Klux Klan
    The klu klux klan was a large group of white supremacists that Was mostly made up of white men that believed the African Americans should still be slaves.
    The KKK groups all around disbursed during the WW1, but georgia started it back up again, this happened in the late 1920’s.
  • Sacco & Vanzetti

    Sacco & Vanzetti
    The trials of Sacco and Vanzetti took place in the mid-1920s.
    This famous trial was of Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, Italian born men who were self-admitted anarchists, they were accused of robbery and murder and sentenced to death.
    This caused an uproar because most of society believes they were found guilty because of their ethnicity...not because of actual evidence.
  • Flappers

    The early 1920’s was beginning and the women wanted equal rights to work and make money.
    They began to rebel against the old fashioned and proper ways women should act; they started wearing dresses above their knees, cutting their hair very short, and smoking cigarettes.
  • Immigration laws

    Immigration laws
    The United stated in the early-1920’s passed a law for the further immigration of foreigners to the U.S
    This, in conclusion, was the persons limit legally able to come through to the U.S
    The persons limit was 150,000 (3% of U.S population)
  • The Harlem Renaissance

    The Harlem Renaissance
    As a result of world war, 1 and the great migration millions of African Americans relocated from the rural south to the rural north
  • Migrants face changes and challenges

    Most African American migrants to the north found a better life with wages for better than what the sharecroppers earned in the south.
  • Garvey calls for racial pride

    Marcus Garvey promoted an idea of universal black nationalism and organized a "back to Africa" movement.
  • The Jazz Age

    F. Scott Fitzgerald call the 1920's " The Jazz Age" but it was African Americans who gave the age its unique music
  • African American Literature Flowers

    in the 1920's the term "New Negro" entered the American vocabulary suggesting a break with the past.
  • Period: to

    Great depression