american history B

By 1058995
  • Telephone

    Alexander Bell gets his patent aproved for the telephone and 3 days later he call Mr. Watson to him trough the phone.
  • Car

    on jan 29 Karl Benz got his patent aproved and on July 3, 1886 he showed his invention to the public.
  • Radio

    Guglielmo Marconi was given the credit for inventing the radio but alot of other scientist helped along the way he started to broadcast singnals in 1901.
  • Period: to

    The Great Migration

    The Great Migration was when 6 million african americans moved from the south to the north for many of reasons including all of the racist atutude in the south also the norths economy was doing beter and how the north was a little more excepting of them.
  • 18th amendment

    18th amendment
    prohibition was the 18th amendmentto the consituion baning the sell and distribution of achole but it did not make it illeagy to drink it just to sell it.
  • 19th amendment

    19th amendment
    this amendment gave wemon the right to vote. the amendment was drafted by suan b anthony.
  • Emergency Quota Act

    Emergency Quota Act
    this act limited imagration to only 3% of the same race that lives in the cuntry to be alowed to imagrat.
  • Immigration Act

    Immigration Act
    this act was a revision to the emergency quota act passed 3 years earlir and it limited imagrtin farther by makin it only 2% instead of 3%.
  • television

    Philo Farnsworth was the frist person to build a working TV in 1927 but it was not very cheap so it dident have much of an impact then compared to the 50s were almost everyone has a TV.
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    on black tuseday the stock market lost 16 million shares and deacreased the dow by 12% in one day.
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt elected President

    Franklin D. Roosevelt elected President
    when FDR was elected he ran on a set of policy called the new deal in hope of turning arond the great depresion.
  • 21st amendment

    21st amendment
    this amendment got rid of the 18th amendment prohibiting the sell of acohole. a reason why it was passed is becuse no body realy followed it and so that the goverment could tax it.
  • Hoover Dam constructed

    Hoover Dam constructed
    the hover dam was constructed becuse of the new deal policys that employed over 1000 workers to help the economy grow.
  • Computer

    the frist computer in todays standers is the Z3 made by Konrad Zuse a german scientist. the rael frist comercalmputer was the Programma 101 which was 3,200 dollors.
  • GI Bill of Rights

    GI Bill of Rights
    the GI bill gave soldires the money to go back to school also money to buy a house and made it easyer to get loans.
  • Internet

    the internet was made by two guys named Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau on a nextstep OS they made their frist website on aug 6.