American History 1920-1941

  • The Big Eighteen

    The Eighteenth Amendment is passed, banning the production and sale of alcohol.
  • Turn up the Radio

    Guglielmo Marconi's radio become widely available to the American household.
  • Warren Harding

    Warren Harding
    Warren Harding becomes the 28th President of The United States.
  • Emergency Immigration Act

    Congress passes the Emegency Immigration Act, limiting the number of immigrants admitted into the country.
  • Calvin Coolidge

    Calvin Coolidge
    Calvin Coolidge becomes the 29th President of The United States, following Harding' s death.
  • The Ten Commandments

    Cecil B. DeMille produces the film, "The Ten Commandments".
  • Dixie to Broadway

    "Dixie to Broadway" becomes the first all-black production to have mainstream showings.
  • National Origins Act

    The National Origins Act establishes quotas of immigrants that may be admitted into the United States.
  • The New Negro

    Alain Locke publishes "The New Negro", calling for the spirititual emancipation of the African-American race
  • Down with Garvey

    Black rights activist, Marcus Garvey, is arrested on fraud charges. He is pardoned to years later.
  • Monkey on the Stand

    The Scopes Trial, more famously known as the Monkey Trial, debates whether evolution can be taught in the classroom. Thus trial served to further the cause of both sides.
  • A midnight flight to Paris

    Charles Lindbergh makes the first transatlantic airplane flight, flying from New York to Paris
  • Herbert Hoover

    Herbert Hoover
    Herbert Hoover is elected 30th President of The United States.
  • They Came Tumbling Down

    Prices on the Stock Market plummet suddenly, causing widespread panic and foreshadowing worse things to come.
  • Tuesday, Black Tuesday

    The Stock Market begins its long fall into collapse, destroying the American Economy.
  • Thou Art Smooted

    President Herbert Hoover signs the Smoot-Hawley Tariff, causing other nations to raise their own tariffs. This serves to cause a sharp decrease in international trade.
  • The Manchurian Rail

    A bomb destroy a Japanese owned railway, giving the Japanese an excuse to invade the Chinese province of Manchuria, starting Japan's advance on the Pacific. It was later found that the bomb had been panted by Japanese agents
  • Period: to

    The Dust Bowl

    A series of severe droughts strike the United States, causing farmland to dry out and by swept away in giant clouds of dust. Without land to farm, many people immigrate to other states.
  • Franklin Delano Roosevelt

    Franklin Delano Roosevelt
    Franklin Delano Roosevelt become the 32nd President of the United States
  • AAA

    President Roosevelt's New Deal creates the Agricultural Adjustment Agency, aimed to help the farmers of America
  • How UNkind

    Japan withdraws from the United Nations after evidence shows that Japanese agents were responsible for the Manchuria Bombing.
  • Hitler takes Power

    Hitler takes Power
    Adolf Hitler, leader of the German National Socialist (Nazi) party, is elected Chancellor of Germany
  • NRA

    The New Deal creates the National Recovery Administration, which regulates the practices and codes of businesses
  • Wagner Act

    The National Labor Relations Act, or the Wagner Act, gives workers the right to unionize and work for better rights
  • Spanish Civil War

    The Spanish Civil War takes place in Spain. Hitler and Italy's leader, Benito Mussolini, aid in the Fascist takeover of Spain.
  • Japan v China

    Japan v China
    Japan launches a full invasion of China, starting on July 7, 1937. By the 13th of December, China is under Japanese control.
  • A Wage of Minimums

    The Fair Labor Standards Act sets the minimum wage at 25 cents and hour
  • Annex Question, Please

    Germany annexes the nation of Austria
  • Angry Raisins

    Angry Raisins
    John Steinbeck publishes his novel, "The Grapes of Wrath".
  • Hitler takes Czechoslovakia

    Hitler takes over the nation of Czechoslovakia
  • Cutting the Trade

    The United States cuts trade ties with Japan, after the latter continues to make war across the Pacific.
  • Period: to

    World War Two

    20 years after the end of the First World War, the Second started. WWII saw much more blood shed and change in power than the first. World War Two allowed the United States to escape from the Great Depression and take its place as a world power.
  • Blitz take Poland

    Hitler invades and conquers Poland, after signing a non-aggression pact with the Soviet Union and Joseph Stalin
  • Onward and Westward

    Hitler launches his invasion of Western Europe, taking Poland, France, the Netherlands, and Belgium.
  • The Blitz of Britain

    The Blitz bombing of Britain ends, with Britain surviving German attacks
  • The Sleeping Tiger

    The Sleeping Tiger
    "A day that will live in infamy". Japanese bombers strike the American Naval base at Pearl Harbor, inciting America's entrance into the Second World War.
  • Barbarossa

    Hitler launches Operation Barbarossa, breaking the non-aggression pact and invading the Soviet Union.