Period: 20,000 BCE to 15,000 BCE
Crossed through Beringia
Native Americans crossed the land bridge through Beringia into North America. -
Columbus reaches the Bahamas
Jamestown founded
England’s first permanent colony in North America. -
Starving Time
Jamestown colonists died from no food, sickness, horrible leaders, and wars between Indians. They did not receive the food supplies from the Virginia Colony. -
Puritans, Separatists, and Pilgrims sailed on the Mayflower. -
Stamp Tax
Tax on legal documents, playing cards, newspapers etc. -
Period: to
King Phillip's War
Salem Witch Trials
Hysteria occurs in Salem, Massechusetts, where two girls frame several people as witches. (many were prosecuted) -
Boston Tea Party
Boston Massacre
1st Continental Congress
Battle of Lexington & Concord
Period: to
Revolutionary War
Declaration of Independence
U.S. Constitution signed
Labor unions started-late 1800s
Missouri Compromise
Period: to
Trail of Tears
Period: to
Mexican War
Gold Rush begins
Uncle Tom's Cabin Published
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Period: to
American Civil War
Period: to
Homesteading the plains
Period: to
Period: to
Cattle drives in Great Plains
Alaska Purchased
First transcontinental railroad
Sues Canal opens
Period: to
Massive immigration to America
Carnegie builds steel mill
Period: to
Plains Wars
First telephone conversation—Alexander Graham Bell
Period: to
Jim Crow Laws created
Period: to
Progressive Era
The Panic of 1893
Period: to
Lewis and Clark Expedition
Hawaii becomes U.S. possession
Spanish-American War
U.S gains control of Puerto Rico, Philippine Islands and other Pacific islands
United States has become a world power
U.S takes over Panama Canal constuction
Theodore Roosevelt become President
Wright brothers make first airplane flight
Henry Ford builds cars on assembly line
U.S.. opens the Panama Canal
Period: to
Russian Revolution
Period: to
World-wide depression
Period: to
World War II
Attack on Pearl Harbor
First atomic bomb exploded
Beginning of Cold War
Period: to
Korean War
Cuban Revolution
Assasination of President Kennedy
Collapse of Communism in Europe
End of the Cold War and Break up of the Soviet Union
Formation of the Europe Union
Terrorists attack American landmarks
Period: to
Iraq War
Election of President Barack Obama