American Events

  • Washington chosen as general

    One thing you need to know is that Before Washington was chosen general for the patriots he was a general for the British war so he knew how they might have ambushed them. And it was a very good choice to chose Washington as a general because if you chose someone else he would have never had the idea to ambush British on Christmas Eve and probably would’ve ended up losing a battle and that could’ve ended the whole war right then and there when they chose someone else.
  • Untied sates declares independence

    One thing you need to know is that this is one of the biggest events in history for America after all it is what made America a Country. And comparing this to other events in American history almost isn’t even possible because its what created us made us a country. Washington being chosen general is a very big event though because if he was not chosen general for the patriots he would have not made America such a big state and the treaty might of not happened because of how big British is.
  • Battles of Saratoga

    The battle of Saratoga lasted from September to October in 1777. It was lucky for patriots that Burgoyne was in a spot with no troops so he was forced to retreat which ended up in him surrendering his troops.
  • Battle of Saratoga #2

    So if somebody were to go back into time and give advice that he should be ready for the Americans to come he would’ve prepared all his troops and took America out ending up with them winning that battle and probably winning the war.
  • Treaty of Paris officially ends war

    Something you need to know about this is is which war it ended which the War of the American Revolution which was one of they biggest wars ever as they were two different huge well know countries fighting against each other. And the Top three most impactful events were the American Side agreeing to this. The British Generals Agreeing to this. The fact that the agreement recognized America and gave U.S significant Westerns Territory. Which helped U.S a lot and gave U.S lots of resources.