
American Education Timeline

  • The Boston Latin School

    The Boston Latin School
    In 1635, the Boston Latin School became the first school to open in the thirteen colonies. It is also considered to be the nation’s oldest public school, according to American Board.
    Public schools in the United States initially focused on values like family, religion, and community. There was not as much of an emphasis on academics like math or reading. At the time, girls were typically taught how to read, but not to write.
  • First school for higher education. "The First College."

    First school for higher education. "The First College."
    Harvard was the first school for higher education. It was founded in 1636. shares that the Puritans settled and planned to train people up to spread the gospel. Harvard’s mission was to do just that.
  • The 1700s Education in America

    The 1700s Education in America
    Public schools were not prevalent in the South during the 1600s and the early 1700s. Children were educated if their families could afford private tutors.
    Public School Review notes that public schools continued to grow across the country. Yet, there was no real system for guidance.
  • The 1800s what have change

    The 1800s what have change
    By the mid-19th century, academics became the focus of public schools.
    Noah Webster made another contribution with his American Dictionary of the English Language. It heavily influenced America’s dialect and was originally published in 1828.
    Schools made progress in creating a formalized system. Massachusetts was the first state to create a Board of Education in 1837. The state had already established free public schools for every grade.
  • After The American Civil War

    After The American Civil War
    Noah Webster published the second volume of his American Dictionary of the English Language in 1840, as Britannica notes.
    As the 1800s wore on, government officials set more expectations for education. Henry Barnard, a Yale graduate, became the secretary of the Board of Commissioners of the Common Schools for Connecticut. Barnard worked to ensure that schools met certain guidelines.
  • Horace Mann an American educational reformer

    Horace Mann an American educational reformer
    Horace Mann believed education could bridge all kinds of societal and economic gaps. He thought free schools should be available for every citizen because education could provide wealth and opportunities. In his time with the Massachusetts Board of Education, he worked to extend the school year to six months. He also tried to give increased pay to teachers and provide better resources in the classroom.
  • 1900 The Education is mandatory

    1900 The Education is mandatory
    By 1900, school attendance was mandatory for students aged 8-14 in 31 states. In 1918, all states required students to complete elementary school.Education took a new turn witJohn Dewey’s idea of progressive education, which encouraged children to advocate for and engage in a democratic society. Under Dewey’s theory, children would be educated to reach their full potentia.
  • Social issues Brown vs. Board

    Social issues Brown vs. Board
    Social issues that had been developing since the Civil War began to redefine who was allowed to benefit from public education. Yet, despite the 1954 Brown vs. Board of Education Supreme Court ruling, the United States had racially-segregated schools through the 1960s. In the 1970s, the United States eradicated segregated schooling.
  • Scholars began

    Scholars began
    Scholars began to reexamine the government’s role in education. In 1955, Milton Friedman wrote “The Role of Government in Education,” as The Heritage Foundation writes. Friedman believed in school choice, competition, and consumer freedom—all ideas that are based on free-market principles. The Role of Government in Education∗ by
    Milton Friedman
  • Elementary and Education Act

    Elementary and Education Act
    Lawmakers enacted new legislation to assist students. In 1965, Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act gave additional funding to local schools educating socioeconomically-limited children. That same year, low- to middle-income students became eligible for federal aid beyond high school through the Higher Education Act.
  • The Migrant Education Program

    The Migrant Education Program
    The Migrant Education Program was established in 1966 to meet the educational and social needs of migrant children, as shared by the Monterey County Office of Education.
    This Education program change and establish the education for all immigrants in America and follow all the social needs for their children.
  • Prohibit Discrimination

    Prohibit Discrimination
    Between th 1960s and the 1970s,legislators passed various acts to prohibit discrimination against gender, race, and disabilities in public schools. These include the Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, Title IX of the Education Amendments Act, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.
    These include protection to the students and prevention from any type of discrimination, but preventing unequal education to all.
  • The Indian Education Act "Native American Act."

    The Indian Education Act "Native American Act."
    In 1972, the Indian Education Act was introduced. The act authorized many grants and a formula program for Indian children and adults. It also established the Office of Indian Education and the National Advisory Council on Indian Education. In this act America admitted and assume to delivery better education for Native American, by respecting their needs and culture on their education needs.
  • Handicapped Children Act

    Handicapped Children Act
    In 1975, The Education for All Handicapped Children Act was established. It requires public schools to facilitate suitable and free education for students with disabilities.
    The Education for all the handicapped kids became a federal law, with special education programs for all the kids between ages of 3 and 21 with special needs.
  • The Conversation

    The Conversation
    Homeschooling became popular in the 80 for religion reasons. Parents emerged during that time like an organization with legal and economic support. In the 1980s, school choice became an option as public charter schools started to grow. The first one was established in Minnesota.
    States also began making legal provisions for homeschooling around this time.
  • The Beginning of the Private Education

    The Beginning of the Private Education
    This program was the first in American that provides more accommodation, and privilege to families that can afford to pay for it. In 1989, State Assemblywoman Polly Williams authored the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program in Wisconsin. This was the first modern-day private school choice legislation.
  • Not child left behind

    Not child left behind
    This Act was approved in 2001 by the former president George W. Bush and giving the parents of the child more details information about the school curriculum and the child progress or delays in the educational program. More individualized approach to the families. Expectations continue to change for education. In 2001, President George W. Bush reauthorized The Elementary and Secondary Education Act. It was renamed No Child Left Behind, bringing in standards-based testing reforms.
  • ESSA

    To ensure that all aspects of education were fill ESSA was signed. This Act would help protect academic standards and monitoring the progress of the students during the school year to prevent dropout. President Obama reauthorized the Elementary and Secondary Education Act in 2015 as the Every Student Succeeds Act, which provides many measures of assessments for student achievement.