America in 1921-1941 by Jaith Darrah

By JaithD
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    The Roaring 20s

    The Roaring 20s changed American Culture to be more loose and centered more around consumption.
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    Warren G. Harding's Presidency

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    Calvin Coolidge's Presidency

  • The National Origins Act

    Congress passed the National Origins Act to restrict immigration from the western hemisphere especially immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe.
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    Scopes Monkey Trial

    John T. Scopes, a high school teacher was tried for breaking a Tennessee law that forbade the teachings of Darwinism and Evolution. However, the trial blew up into something more for the American people and its culture.
  • Sacco and Vanzetti

    Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were two Italian anarchists that were executed because they were accused of robbery and murder.
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    The Great Depression

    Millions of Americans found themselves without jobs and they struggled to provide for their families. The economy slowed down significantly and the GDP of the US dropped dramatically.
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    Herbert Hoover's Presidency

  • Black Tuesday

    The United States Stock Market collapsed and shares in companies such as U.S. Steel dropped from $262 to $22. The drop in stocks revealed the weaknesses of the US economy.
  • The Bonus Army

    In 1932, about fifteen thousand World War I veterans marched to Washington D.C. to demand that they receive their cash bonuses that were scheduled to be paid out in 1945.
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    Franklin D. Roosevelt's Presidency

  • Social Security Act

    The act was created my Franklin D. Roosevelt to provide financial assistance to the unemployed and provided pensions for the old.
  • The Imperial Japanese Navy Attacks Pearl Harbor

    The Imperial Japanese Navy attacked Pearl Harbor and the US responded by joining World War II with the Allied Powers against the Axis Powers.