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23rd Amendment Project

By mbrock
  • The first bill for D.C. voting rights was introduced but not pushed further

    The first bill for D.C. voting rights was introduced but not pushed further
  • The amendment was proposed

    The amendment was proposed
  • Alaska was the only state to reject it

    Alaska was the only state to reject it
  • The amendment was ratified

    The amendment was ratified
  • First used in the 1964 election won by Lyndon B. Johnson

    First used in the 1964 election won by Lyndon B. Johnson
  • President Eisenhower, Nixon, and J.F.K. led a huge campain across several states to get them to agree with the amendment

    President Eisenhower, Nixon, and J.F.K. led a huge campain across several states to get them to agree with the amendment
  • Nixon granted D.C. one non-voting representative to the house of representatives

    Nixon granted D.C. one non-voting representative to the house of representatives
  • The amendment failed to become part of the constitution and was not ratified by the required number of states

    The amendment failed to become part of the constitution and was not ratified by the required number of states
  • Alabama finaly ratified the amendment

    Alabama finaly ratified the amendment
  • Wyoming had a lower population but the district was only allowed 3 electors

    Wyoming had a lower population but the district was only allowed 3 electors