Amelia Earhart

By imms314
  • Amelia Earhart is born

    Amelia Earhart is born
  • Amelia moved from Kansas to Springfield, Missouri

    Amelia moved from Kansas to Springfield, Missouri
    Edwin moved the family with the promise of another job.
  • Amelia's Highschool Graduation

    Amelia's Highschool Graduation
    Although it was her graduation, Amelia didn't attend the event.
  • Amelia started at Ogontz

    Amelia started at Ogontz
    She was 19 years old when she began at the school.
  • World War 1 ends

    World War 1 ends
    Amelia continued working at the hospital even though the war ended.
  • Amelia got a sinus infection

    Amelia got a sinus infection
    Her severe sinus infection required surgery.
  • Edwin took Amelia to a winter air show

    Edwin took Amelia to a winter air show
    Amelia took her first plane ride at the air show.
  • Amelia took her first flying lesson

    Amelia took her first flying lesson
  • Amelia bought her first plane.

    Amelia bought her first plane.
    She got her new plane on her 24th birthday. She named it the Canary.
  • Amelia, Muriel, and Amy took a vacation to Lake George, New York

  • Amelia enrolled at Columbia University

    Amelia enrolled at Columbia University
    Amelia was 22 years old when she began at the University to study medicine.
  • Amelia preformed in her first air show

    Amelia preformed in her first air show
    Amelia gave Edwin and Muriel 2 tickets to the air show, telling them she wouldn't be able to sit with them.
  • Amelia is granted her plot lincense

    Amelia is granted her plot lincense
  • Amelia publishes "20 hrs, 40 mins"

    Amelia publishes "20 hrs, 40 mins"
  • The Ninety-Nines women's pilot organization is created

    The Ninety-Nines women's pilot organization is created
  • Amelia marries G.P. Putnam

    Amelia marries G.P. Putnam
  • Amelia becomes the first woman to make a solo transaltlantic flight

    Amelia becomes the first woman to make a solo transaltlantic flight
  • Amelia makes a solo flight from Hawaii to California

    Amelia makes a solo flight from Hawaii to California
  • Amelia makes her first round-the-world trip

    Amelia makes her first round-the-world trip
  • Amelia disappears from her round-the-world flight

    Amelia disappears from her round-the-world flight
    Amelia and her navigator, Charles Noonan disappear.