Amelia Earhart

By imms505
  • Born

    Amelia was born in Kansas City at 11:30 pm as a 9 pound baby.
  • Amelia Otis Died

    Amelia Otis Died
    When she died they inherited a lot of money.
  • Moved To Missouri

    Moved To Missouri
    Amelia abd her family moved to Missouri
  • Start School At Ogontz Highschool

    Start School At Ogontz Highschool
    Amelia started her year at gontz Highschool.
  • First Air Lesson

    Amelia took her first air lesson with Snook.
  • Canary

    Amelia was 24 when she got her first plane,Canary,
  • Airshow

    Amelia gave Edwin and Muriel two tickets to her airshow were she broke a record in altitude.
  • License From FAI

    License From FAI
    Amelia recieves a licsense from the FAI.
  • Returned

    Amelia returned from her cross country jaunt.
  • Assistant To General Traffic Manager

    Assistant To General Traffic Manager
    Amelia is made assitant traffic manager of TAT.
  • Beat Records

    She beat 2 women speed records.
  • Edwin Died

    Edwin Died
    Edwin Earhart died of stomach cancer.
  • Settled with Putnam

    Settled with Putnam in Connecticut
  • Took Off

    Amelia took off for a transatlantic flight from New York.
  • Speed Record

    Amelia made a speed record between Los Angelas and Newark.
  • Flight

    Noonan and Amelia took off and made the first transoceanic flight.
  • Fatal Flight

    Fatal Flight
    Amelia's last message back was panicked ad 20 hr after she took off.
  • Declared

    Amelia's death was made official.