
Ambialgia Timeline

  • First Bacteria Infected (Mexico)

    First Bacteria Infected (Mexico)
  • Period: to

    Disease Spread

  • First Whole Water Source Infected

    First Whole Water Source Infected
  • First Animal Infected

    First Animal Infected
    The bat drank from water source, therefore becoming infected by the virus.
  • First Human Infected

    First Human Infected
    The bat's droppings went onto a fruit and the man ate that fruit without washing it.
  • First Symptoms Documented

    First Symptoms Documented
    First symptoms show up in humans, they include: hallucinations, dehydration, and insomnia.
  • First City Infected

    First City Infected
    Virus is spread through bodily fluids and drinking the infected water source.
  • Neighboring Town Now Infected

    Neighboring Town Now Infected
    Neighboring Town to Mexico City is now infected through the spread of the virus through bodily fluids.
  • Mexican Scientists issue a name for this virus, Ambialgia

    Mexican Scientists issue a name for this virus, Ambialgia
    Mexican Scientists issued the name for the virus impacting a lot of Mexico. They named it Ambialgia, which means pain on both sides, due to the painful contractions patients have reported due to dehydration.
  • Eastern Part of Mexico, now Infected

    Eastern Part of Mexico, now Infected
    All of the Eastern part of Mexico is now infected, WHO has issued phase 4 of the pandemic phases.
  • First Person Dead

    First Person Dead
    The first person died due to Ambialgia today, the President of Mexico has approved the use of dead human experimentation/examination.
  • All of Mexico now Infected by Ambialgia, President issues national emergency

    All of Mexico now Infected by Ambialgia, President issues national emergency
    All of Mexico is now infected by this virus and now thousands are dying. Scientists haven't started working on a cure yet.
  • WHO issues official Pandemic

    WHO issues official Pandemic
    WHO has issued that the virus, Ambialgia, is now a pandemic. Scientists have urged civilians to call or visit their local doctors if they are experiencing insomnia, hallucinations, cramps, dehydration, and/or internal hemmorhaging (more bruises than normal).
  • Ambialgia Spreading quickly through Central America

    Ambialgia Spreading quickly through Central America
    All of Central America is now infected by Ambialgia, the WHO has issued a pandemic alert. Scientists are working on a cure/vaccine but may not be done for decades.
  • First Sign of Ambialgia seen in South America

    First Sign of Ambialgia seen in South America
    Doctors and scientists agree that the water sources now infected have spread into the branches of the Amazon River and are now infecting countries throughout South America.
  • Spain infected with Ambialgia, now has vaccine name

    Spain infected with Ambialgia, now has vaccine name
    A tourist visiting Brazil became infected with this disease and took it back home to Spain. Doctors in Spain have been monitoring this disease and have created a vaccine. They have decided to name it SP-43, 43 is the number of ingredients needed to get this vaccine. It is very expensive and won't be distributed fast enough for global fatalities.
  • Majority of Central America, now dead

    Majority of Central America, now dead
    The majority of central America is now dead due to the virus, Ambialgia. This virus shuts down the immune system and deprives your body of nutrients.