Amber's Race and Reconstruction Acts

  • Black Codes

    Black Codes
    The black codes were designed to help control the newly freed African Americans. Some of these codes made it illegal for African Americans to own or rent a farm. These laws made it very easy for white employers to take advantage of the African Americans. The laws even let officicials fine or arrest the African Americans that didn't have jobs. These black codes were still a little bit better than slavery.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1866

    Civil Rights Act of 1866
    The Civil Rights Act of 1866 made it possible for African Americans to have the same equal rights and citenzenship. It was created to protect African Americans from the segregation they faced all the time. With this policy, the former slaves got to have education and get a job. Benefits from this are, they now longer have to work for anyone and get to lead their own life.
  • First Reconstruction Act

    First Reconstruction Act
    The first Reconstruction Acts law required that 10 states form new governments. This act divided the 10 states into five military districts. Each of the districts would be governed by an army general until the new state governments were formed. The act also guaranteed that African American men have the right to vote in state elections.
  • Second Reconstruction Act

    Second Reconstruction Act
    The Second Reconstruction Act allowed the army to register voters in each district. Many of the white Southerns refused to take part in these elections for constitutional conventions and because of the new state governments that were made. Thousands of newly registered African Americans did cast ballots though. These developments favored the Republicans, who took control of the Southern state governments.
  • 14 Amendment

    14 Amendment
    This Amendment made it clear that if a state didn't let an adult male citizen vote, the state could lose some representation in congress. It also stated that every person was entitled to equal protection of law including African Americans. The Amendment was another condition of rejoining the Union.
  • 15 Amendment

    15 Amendment
    This amedment guaranteed that the state and federal governments couldn't deny the right to vote to any male citizen because of " race or color." Republicans believed that they succeeded in giving African American men the right to vote. They also thought that the power of the vote would allow the African Americans to protect themselves against unfair treatment by white people.