• Cave

    a long time ago people will live in caves for shelter
  • a long time ago

    a long time ago
    made out of sticks
  • Animal skin house

    Animal skin house
    people had to kill animals to get there skin.
  • Bark house

    Bark house
    people will cut down trees to make houses
  • Grass house

    Grass house
    people will use dry grass to make a shelter
  • wooden house

    wooden house
    people will cut down trees and stack them on top of eachother
  • grass house

    grass house
    a grass and stick house. that you can find grass and sticks on the ground.
  • strong wooden house

    strong wooden house
    this house is strong this house has windows
  • stable shelter

    stable shelter
    this house is getting to be more modern
  • house that is made now days

    house that is made now days
    this house you will see now days