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All about USA

  • Expansion and the civil war

    Expansion and the civil war
    The french emperor Napoleon offered to sell the land to the United States for $15 millions. The president, accepted the offer and signed the Louisiana Purchase agreement. This doubled the size of the country and people started to move west.
  • Expansion and the civil war

    Expansion and the civil war
    The US government created the first Indian territory in the area now called Oklahoma. They forced more than 15.000 Cherokee people to leave their homes in Georgia and walk 1.600 kilometres to their new territory. Around 4.000 Cherokee people died on the way and they called this journey the “Trail of Tears”
  • The American Civil war

    The American Civil war
    The people in the north live in towns, but in the south, they live on plantations and own slaves. The plantation owners want to keep their slaves, but in the north won’t to abolish slavery. Abraham Lincoln is now the President of the USA. He wants to end slavery. The people in the south want to leave the Union and have their own nation, called Confederate States of America, or the Confederacy. But Lincoln wants to keep the country together
  • The AmericaCivil War

    The AmericaCivil War
    The south has got their Confederacy. It’s got 11 states now, Richmond, in Virginia, is the capital. They think they’re a different nation from the Union in the north. Confederate soldiers attacked a Union fort called Fort Sumter yesterday. So now, we’re at war!
  • The American Civil war

    The American Civil war
    Thousands of people are dead. Both the people in the north and the south are suffering. The war can’t continue for long because the Confederates are losing. They have got fewer soldiers than the Union.
  • The American Civil war

    The American Civil war
    Today, General Robert E. Lee, the Confederate army leader, surrendered to General Ulysses Grant, the Union army leader. Now the slaves are free and the country is one nation. But we’ll never be the same again!