Alexander Von Humboldt

  • Nacimiento

    September 14,1769 en Berlin Germany.
  • Fathers death

    he and his brother Wilhelm were raised by their mother, an unemotional woman of strict Calvinist beliefs after fathers death.
  • Libros

    Alexander Von Humboldt wrote the “Mineralogical Observations on Several Basalts on the River Rhine.” In 1789
  • studies

    when he left Freiberg i after two years of intensive study but without taking a degree.
  • Viajes

    Le dieron permiso para embarcarse a las colonias espanolas de America del sur y centro america.
  • expediciones

    he went from Marseille with the French botanist Aimé Bonpland, whom he had met in Paris, then the liveliest scientific centre in Europe.
  • traveled

    In spring the two travelers sailed from Guayaquil to Acapulco, Mex.,
  • Estudios

    el se establecio en paris donde se dedicó a la recopilación, ordenación y publicación del material recogido en su expedición,
  • Viajes

    Se fue en una viaje por la Russia asiática, en el curso del cual visitó Dzhungaria y el Altai.
  • Muerte

    May 6, 1859 he died in Berlin, Germany he died because of natural causes.