alex o amendment timeline

  • right to bear arms

    right to bear arms
    congress cannot tobstruct the right to own and keep firearms
  • quatering troops

    quatering troops
    no soldier at any time can be housed without the owners permission
  • search and seizures

    search and seizures
    the right of the people to not have there house and belongs searched or taken. you have to get a warrant prove that somebody did something wrong
  • rights of an accused person

    rights of an accused person
    no person can be forced to answer the capitol. but can be if indicted by a jury. no private property can be taken for public use.
  • trial by jury in civil cases

    trial by jury in civil cases
    if somebody is sued for over $20 they have a right to a jury.
  • power of the states and the people

    power of the states and the people
    if it is not in the constitution the states have the power to do so.
  • right of the people

    right of the people
    the enumeration in the constitution cannot be construted to deny certain rights held by the people.
  • religious and political freedom

    religious and political freedom
    congress cannot name a certain religon that everyone has to follow.the amendment protects the right to freedom of speech,the freedom of religion, and to gather to protest the government peacefully.
  • right to a speedy trial,public trial

    right to a speedy trial,public trial
    in all prosecution the person accused has the right to a fast and fair trial. we have a right to a jury of the state and the district where the accused crime happend. We also, have the right to a lawyer
  • limits of fine and punishments

    limits of fine and punishments
    the amount of money for bail, the type of punishments and fines all have to match the serverity of the crime.
  • Period: to


    Bill of rights
  • lawsuits against states

    lawsuits against states
    The judical power cannot be construted to extend to any suit.prosecution of a citzen from another state,or citizens of another country
  • election of excutives

    election of excutives
    the electoral college representives will meet in there states and cast the ballot for the president and the vice president. The votes will be counted by the senate and the house of representives. If it is tied the house of representives will choose the president.
  • slavery abolished

    slavery abolished
    slavery except as a punishment is illegal. Congress has the power to enforce this law.
  • Civil rights

    Civil rights
    All people born in the US or people who have been granted citizenship are citizens of the US. No state can obstruct the privileges of beimg a citizen. Representives will count how many people are living in the state and so the state can protect them equally. This amendment was put into place because Dred Scott v. Sandford decision that declared that African Americans were not and never could become citizens of the United States or enjoy any of the privileges and the freedoms of citizenship.
  • right to vote

    right to vote
    The right of the citizens of the US will by denied to vote on account of race or if you were a slave.
  • income tax

    income tax
    Congress has the power to make taxs and collect them.
  • direct election of senators

    direct election of senators
    the senate has 2 senators for each state. The senators are elected by the people and serve for six years. When there are vacancies the excutive authority of that state shall issue a writs of election to fill such vacancies
  • prohibition

    the manfacture,sale and transportation of liquor is illegal.Congress and the states are responsible for enforcing this law. Prohibiton was put in the constitution as way to make people stop drinking liqours so they would be sober but al this law lead to was crime because gangs would sell liqour to other people
  • woman sufferage

    woman sufferage
    the right to vote cannot not be denied on accout gender. Congress has the power to enforce this law.
  • lame duck sessions

    lame duck sessions
    The terms of the president and vice president end on January 20th. The terms for the representives and the senators end on January 3rd. Congress will meet at least once a year.
  • repeal of prohibition

    repeal of prohibition
    The eighteenth amendment outlawing liquor is repealed. This amendment was amend because prohibition simply was not working people still got liqour in a huge "underground" market. It cost to much the USA lost an estimated 11 millon dollars and spent 320,000 on enforcing the law. Woman Sufferage was passed because lawmakers were under a lot of heat because of woman protesting (plus it is the right thing to do to allow woman to vote).
  • limit on presidental terms

    limit on presidental terms
    No person can be elected to the office for more than two terms or act as president for two terms.
  • voting in district of columbia

    voting in district of columbia
    A number of electors of the president and the vice president equal to the whole number of senators and representives in congress which the district would be a treated like a state.
  • abolition of poll taxes

    abolition of poll taxes
    The right of the people to vote in any election and not be denied the right to vote because they cannot pay the tax. this law was passed because poll taxes were used to stop African-Americans from voting and people protested the law so they outlawed poll taxes.
  • presidental disability,sucession

    presidental disability,sucession
    in case of the president removal or if he resigns the vice president will become the acting president. Whenever there is opening at vice president the president shall nominate a canidate. The house will confirm his choice by majority rule.
  • 18 year old vote

    18 year old vote
    the right of the citizens of the us who are 18 or older shall be denied to vote. Congress has the power to enforce this law.this law was passed because In Oregon v. Mitchell, the Supreme Court declared it unconstitutional the parts of the law that required states to register 18-year-olds for state and local elections. Also it was passed in reponse to student activism against the Vietnam War.
  • congressional pay

    congressional pay
    The amendment prohibts any decreases or increases in any congressional members salary.