
Albert Einstein

  • Albert Einstein Birth

    Albert Einstein Birth
    Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany, on March 14, 1879. His father's name was Hermann Einstein. His mother was Pauline Einstein. (Feldman, Ford 264)
  • In the 1890s His Family Moved to Switzerland

    In the 1890s His Family Moved to Switzerland
    In the 1890s his family moved from Germany to Switzerland.This is where he completed his education after struggling at an early age. He had a hard time socializing at a young age and did not speak. He was believed to have some type of disorder. (Feldman, Ford 264)
  • First Gasoline Driven Vehicle

    First Gasoline Driven Vehicle
    The first gasoline powered car debuts in Springfield, Massachusetts. On September 20, 1893, Charles Duryea drove the first gasoline-powered car developed in the United States. The Duryea brothers worked on bicycles before they began experimenting with engines. It was then that they built and tested a gasoline-powered car. (
  • Father's Business Failed In 1894

    Father's Business Failed In 1894
    In 1894 Einstein's father’s business failed, and the whole family, apart from Albert, moved to Milan, Italy. Within six months Einstein dropped out of school and headed south to join his family in MIlan. He found that the more relaxed atmosphere of Italy was more acceptable than the discipline of germany. (Meadows 229)
  • Einstein Attended the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich

    Einstein Attended the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich
    Einstein had to think about his career when he was in Italy. However, without a school leaving certificate education was limited. Fortunately, the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich was available, and it had a high reputation. When Einstein took the exam to get in he failed, but, after a year of studying in Switzerland he took the test again and passed. (Meadows 229)
  • Spanish-American War

    Spanish-American War
    The Spanish-American War was a conflict between the United States and Spain that ended Spanish colonial rule in the Americas. This resulted in U.S. acquisition of territories in the western Pacific and Latin America. The war originated in Cuba who was struggling for independence from Spain. Most of the fighting was in Cuba and the Philippines. The Spanish surrendered in Santiago to General Shafter and the U.S. won. (
  • Einstein Graduates from the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich

    Einstein Graduates from the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich
    Einstein graduated from the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich in 1900. After he attended that school his career really lifted off. He seemed like he would not be able to get into a school, but after attending the school his life changed. (Meadows 230)
  • Changing Nationalities

    Changing Nationalities
    In 1901 Albert decided to change from German to Swiss nationality. He was so eager that he relinquished his German citizenship before being accepted by the Swiss. Consequently, Einstein entered the 21st century stateless, and did not become a Swiss citizen until 1901. (Meadows 230)
  • Special Theory of Relativity

    Special Theory of Relativity
    In 1905 Einstein developed the Special Theory of Relativity. It challenged Issac Newton's ideas. This really kicked off Einstein's career and got him national recognition. (Feldman, Ford 264)
  • Opening of the Panama Canal

    Opening of the Panama Canal
    On August 15, 1914 the Panama Canal was opened. The American-built waterway across the Isthmus of Panama, connected the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The rush of settlers to California and Oregon in the mid 19th century was the initial impetus of the U.S. desire to build an artificial waterway across Central America. It made traveling by boat and steam engine a lot easier. (
  • America Enters WW1

    America Enters WW1
    On April 6, 1917 the U.S. entered WW1. When World War I erupted in 1914, President Woodrow Wilson pledged neutrality for the United States during the war. Germany was determined to win the fight against the allies. On April 2, President Wilson appeared before Congress and called for a declaration of war against Germany. Four days later, his request was granted. (
  • Einstein's Ideas Spread Worldwide

    Einstein's Ideas Spread Worldwide
    In 1919 the Special Theory of Relativity spread worldwide and Einstein had become a celebrity. The public regarded him as a genius. He became popular all around the world. The Theory of Relativity had become a well known idea. (Feldman, Ford 264)
  • Albert Invited to the University of Berlin

    Albert Invited to the University of Berlin
    About nine years after his first work was finished, Einstein was invited to join the University of Berlin as a Professor of Physics. He taught there and remained for 20 years. He spent his time working and coming up with new ideas. (Feldman, Ford 264)
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    A worldwide depression struck many countries at the end of the 1920s. In the U.S. 25 percent of all workers and 37 percent of all nonfarm workers were completely out of a job. Although the depression wasn't so bad in some countries, the American economy had yet to fully recover from the Great Depression before the United States was drawn into World War II in December 1941. (
  • WW2 Starts

    WW2 Starts
    On Sep­tember 1, 1939, before Adolf Hitler's invasion of Poland marked the beginning of WW2, the Germans had a great advantage over the Polish and easily won. Not only did this affect the Polish but Hitler had started a worldwide conflict. The next two empires to join would be the French and British, truly starting a worldwide war. (
  • Einstein Dies

    Einstein Dies
    He later died on April 18, 1955. Einstein spent his last years in semi retirement at Princeton University where he continued to work and teach. He is respected for his mind and he remains one of the worlds most beloved scientists of all time. His works and ideas were used for many things like the creation of the first atomic bomb in 1945. He will be remembered. (Feldman, Ford 265)