• Three Laws of Robotics

    Isaac Asimov formulates the three laws of robotics which include:
    1. Robot may not injure human being
    2. Robot must obey all orders
    3. Robot must protect its own existence unless it leads to the conflict of previous 2 laws
  • First Autonomous Robot Created

    William Grey Walter creates the first robot with complex behaviour
  • Turing Test

    Alan Turing proposes a test for machine intelligence

    Martin Minsky builds first neurocomputer
  • AI Born

    The "science and engineering of making intelligent machines" is described using the term 'artificial intelligence'
  • Unimate

    First industrial robot goes to work
  • Eliza

    Joseph Weizenbaum creates pioneering chatbot at MIT which can hold conversations with humans
  • Shakey

    General purpose mobile robot created in Stanford, Shakey which can reason about its actions
  • Deep Blue

    Chess playing computer defeats chess champion Garry Kasparov
  • Kismet

    Cynthia Breazeal introduces robot called KISmet which can respond and understand human feelings
  • Aibo

    Sony releases first robot pet dog with skills and personality
  • Watson

    Qustion answering robot called Watson wins quiz show
  • Roomba

    Robotic vacum cleaner called iRobot learns to navigate and clean homes
  • Eugene

    Eugene Gootsman passes Turing Test, with 1/3 of humans believing he is human
  • Alexa

    Amazon releases virtual assistant with voice that helps complete shopping tasks
  • Tay

    Microsoft chatbot makes offensive racist remarks on social media
  • Alphago

    Google A.I. AlphaGo beats world champion Ke Jie, in complex board game titled "Go"
  • Alibaba

    Alibaba language processing AI outscores top humans at a Stanford University reading and comprehension test, scoring 82.44 against 82.304 on a set of 100,000 questions
  • Google Duplex

    Announcement of Google Duplex, a service to allow an AI assistant to book appointments over the phone