17th and 18th Century (1600-1800)

  • Learning new ways to plant

    Learning new ways to plant
    The Native Americans taught the settlers new ways to plant crops so that they would grow better.
  • Growing Tobacco in Jamestown

    Growing Tobacco in Jamestown
    Jamestown's main selling point was tobacco and made a lot of money off of the plant.
  • First Africans Slaves Brought to Virginia

    First Africans Slaves Brought to Virginia
    Slaves were a main source of agriculture, by farming and being responsible for most of the work.
  • Farming technology was created

    Farming technology was created
    Tools and equipment were added to make farming easier.
  • Virginia's Agriculture

    Virginia's Agriculture
    Virginia was very successful in agriculture including, corn, wheat, sugar, beef, and more.
  • The Parliamentary Acts

    The Parliamentary Acts
    An act that regulated trade from England and limited exports from other colonies.
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    Whiskey Rebellion
    Taxes raised in whiskey sales angering farmers cause them to rebel which influenced agriculture but in a bad way, raised prices means less people will buy the product
  • Public Land Act

    Public Land Act
    More and more land was being sold for more and more expanse on agriculture and homes.
  • Exports in Agriculture

    Exports in Agriculture
    With every decade that passed, more and more money was being earned in exporting goods for agriculture. Which greatly benefited support for agriculture.
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    With the beginning of the Civil War comes farmers leaving their farms to fight, which really made a dent in agriculture with less farmers and less food and cotton and other materials.
  • Government Supporting Science and Technology

    Government Supporting Science and Technology
    The government allowed and supported more education on farming and technology which allowed more opportunities in Agriculture and more help in what it has in store.
  • Advancements in Tools.

    Advancements in Tools.
    The McCormick Reaper was a better tool advancement in agriculture allowing crops to be farmed quickly.