Sky earth galaxy universe

Age of the Earth

  • James Ussher

    James Ussher
    James was a priest that calculated the age of the Earth based on the idea of the "New Earth" or a young earth essentially. He did this by counting up the "begats" to come up with the birth of Earth around 4004 BCE
  • Benoit de Maillet

    Benoit de Maillet
    Maillet was a french diplomat and natural historian that calculated the age of the Earth in a very interesting way. What he saw was declining sea levels year after year and estimated based on that rate that the Earth was roughly two billion years old.
  • William Thompson a.k.a. Lord Kelvin

    William Thompson a.k.a. Lord Kelvin
    Lord Kelvin was an extremely respected and accomplished academic that came up with the laws of thermodynamics and used them to try and calculate the age of the Earth based on the cooling of its outer crust. His estimate came in around 100 million years with a lower bound of 20 million and an upper bound of 400 million years.
  • Willard Libby

    Willard Libby
    Libby was an American physical chemist most known for inventing one of the most accurate dating methods known to the modern world. Libby discovered a way to date an object (rock/fossil/etc.) based on the percentage of organic carbon inside it. This process is known as Carbon Dating.