aces high 321

  • aces high pages 1 to 187

    The two top scoring aces of world war 2(Dick Bong,and tommy McQuire) go through basic training and begin their stations in south america. By this time Dick has a score of 26 victories while tommy has 16. Tommy had to land n a grass pad in order to refuel, while bong made it back to home base.Topmmy Eventually makes it back to base in his p38f lightning.
  • pages 187 to 262

    DIck bong has become a legend. He is now a colonel and is unfortunately grounded from flying.Tommy on the other hand is still operating missions with the lone eagle Charles Lindbergh
  • pages 262 to 321

    dick bong and tommy Mcquire both recieved the medal of honor for their scores of 33 for Bong, and 28 for Mcquire they are now known as the aces of aces. They will always be known as americas two top scoring aces.