A rose for emily toom

A Rose For Emily

  • Birth of Emily

    Birth of Emily
  • The father's death

    The father's death
    Emily's father died when she was 32.
  • Homer barron

    Homer barron
    Emily met Homer in the summer of the year in which her father died in.
  • Homer dies

    Homer dies
    Emily kills homer.
  • Smell developed

    Smell developed
    smell developed in Emily's house.
  • Taxes Remitted

    Taxes Remitted
    Sartoris remitted Emily's taxes and Emily started giving china painting lesson.
  • gaving up china painting lessons

    gaving up china painting lessons
    Emily discontinues china painting lesson.
  • death of Colonel Sartoris

    death of Colonel Sartoris
    Colonel Sartoris dies without the knowing of Mrs. Emily.
  • Visit by Aldermen

    Visit by Aldermen
    Aldermen came to cancel the remittation of Mrs. Emily's taxes.
  • Emily's Funeral

    Emily's Funeral
    Emily dies and the people visited her house and found Homer's dead body.