A Race For Space Ciani & Emily

  • The Day We Discoverd Space

    The Day We Discoverd Space
    MIssiels brought human technology to the brink of space, and sputnik. Then first object first object to orbit around the Earth.
  • When N.A.S.A Began

    When N.A.S.A Began
    President Dwight Eisnhower Signed the National Aeronautics and Space Act, providing for research into the problems or flight within Earths atmoshpereand in space. After a protracted debate over military verus civilian control of space, they annouced that N.A.S.A began.
  • John F. Kennedy's Challenge

    John F. Kennedy's Challenge
    John F. Kennedy challenged of achiveing the goal (before this decade is out of landing a man on the moon) is going to be rememberd for a life time.
  • Tragedy Of The Challenger Shuttle

    Tragedy Of The Challenger Shuttle
    Around 11:40 a.m, 7 astronauts died by the explosion during launch STS-51-L from Kenedy Space Center. It exploded 73 seconds into the flight because a leak in one or two solid rockets boosters that ignited the main fuel tank.
  • A Succcesful Landing

    A Succcesful Landing
    The Shuttle succesfully returned to flight and N.A.S.A flew 87 succesful missions.