a fatal time in history

  • a new thing in america called SLAVES.

    the first black slave was sold in virginia. it may not sound like it would but this affected blacks for hundreas of unfortenit years
  • amendment 1

    the first amendment gave freedom of speech religine etc.this affcted not only blacks but jeuish people christians and any one that had a speech like martian luther king
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    abolishinist movement

    fredrick douglas led the abolishinist movement for free blacks.
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    the confedarate states

    the confedarate states were led by jefferson davis, he was a slave owner him self. this affected blacks even after the confederacy joined america again. the south came up with these laws called the jim crow laws, the jim crow laws made it so we were seprete but equll.
  • the emancipation proclamation

    abraham lincoln wrote the E.P, this declared that blacks were free and they could fight in the war. this affected blacks because it made them free and made it so they could defend our country.
  • the 15th amenment

    the 15th amenment gave black men the right to vote. this affected blacks because it gave them the right to vote
  • the 13th amendment

    the 13th amendment made slavery illeagle. this affected blacks because they wernt slaves any more they were free but if they lived in the south they were treated really poorly.
  • the 14th amendment

    the 14th amenment declared that if you are born in the us you are a us citizen. this affeted really any one that was born in the u.s because that means they were a u.s citezien and they didant have to live there for a certine time
  • plessy vs. freguson

    plessy (a black man) sat in the whites only section of a train and got kicked off and sent to trial. this affected blacks because blacks and white were seprete but equll