A bad case of stripes davidshannon

A Bad Case of Stripes - Ulises Flores

  • Exposition

    Camilla put on 42 outfits, then put on a red dress and looked at the mirror, then she scarm. Her mother came upstairs and Camilla was complete cover in stripes.
  • Rising Action

    Rising Action
    A doctors craek her out. Then the experts came and saw her. They cerak her and then give her some pils. The next day she was shape like a pil. She didn't get good.
  • Climax

    Some lady is a expert and she can make Camilla be better. She told Camilla to close her eyes to imagine something, then something happened. Her face was her room. Her lips is her bed. Two paintings are her eyes. Her mom and dad were very unhappy. A old lady came to make Camilla feel better. She when upstairs to see Camilla. She was sad of Camilla. The old lady got something out of her bag. It was lima beans. Camilla didn't like lima beans, but later she wnted to eat them
  • Falling Action

    Falling Action
    Camilla ate the lima beans, then she was happy to be her own self again. Camilla started to love lima beans
  • Resolution

    Camilla ate and ate lima beans. A lot of children thought Camilla got weird, but Camilla didn't care. She ate all the lima beans she wanted.